TROST: Open-System Trustworthiness

Project P050403 TROST Pilot


0.00 2005-05-05 -17:58 -0700

Type: Project Planning Project ID: P050403
Style: Abbreviated Status: Struggling (45% effort for 17% earned-value)
Develop a TROST Pilot Design that reflects the TROST framework applied to a development project and the assurance of the resulting software. 
1. Satisfy the requirements of the M.Sc in IT project dissertation guide with a Project Design management summary for completion of stage 4: Project Design.
2. Identify the procedures, practices, and templates that will be applied in the carrying out of TROSTing for the pilot software.
3. Identify / Illustrate the methodology to be applied as well as the coverage that applies.
4. Provide sufficient conceptual structure for the different levels of TROST application to be clear.
Related Information/Projects:
P050404: Design Initiation
P050406: Design I - Life-Cycle Framework
P050407: Design II - Application Assurance
P050408: Design III - Software Development
P050409: Consolidate Design

Conditions of Satisfaction:
1. Clear understanding of what the project involves
2. Design presented for all relevant portions
3. Implementation appears feasible in time available
Guidelines for Final Project and Dissertation Module, version 7.53 (2005-03-12)
TROST Project Specification (2005-03-20)
Dissertation Project Plan 5.6 (through 2005-03-20)
TROST Design Specification (management level)
Review Against Plan
Technical Design Materials for Key Levels of TROST Assurance
Dissertation Project Plans 6.0-6.x
Assigned To: Dennis E. Hamilton Defined By: Dennis Hamilton (2005-04-11)
Date Initiated: 2005-03-20 Date Completed: tbd

1. Approach (2005-04-11)

2. Activities (2005-05-05)

The initial outlook for completion of tasks is based on TROST Plan version 6.4 with tracking and outlook as of 2005-04-10. These milestones have not been achieved, and the project under Plan version 6.5 (as of 2005-05-04) is for closing of the design on 2005-05-19.  This isn't going to work. I am engaging in an exception process to shed this from the critical path and produce a result in the next few days.  The design is already 10 days past due.

0.00 2005-04-11-15:43 create  placeholder to morph into the necessary material
Incorporate job jar and use it to drive the completion of essential items here, providing an initial skeleton for more activity.

Construction Zone (Hard Hat Area)

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Creative Commons License.

created 2005-04-11-15:43 -0700 (pdt) by orcmid
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 05-07-21 13:36 $
$$Revision: 24 $
