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Justifying Pre-Emptive War

The Becker-Posner Blog: Preventive War--Posner:  "Should imminence be an absolute condition of going to war, and preventive war thus be deemed always and everywhere wrong? Analytically, the answer is no. A rational decision to go to war should be based on a comparison of the costs and benefits (in the largest sense of these terms) to the nation."

I find the kick-off discussion on the much-awaited Becker-Posner Blog to be rather chilling.  There's a calculated quality to the rationale that feels bloodless to me.  It is a welcome discussion, but I don't know who I would recommend it to.

It is also thought-provoking.  I'm granting that these are serious, thoughtful people.  And I'm still thinking it over.

There are two elements that I am having trouble with.  One has to do with the responsibility of revolutionaries that I recall reading about in Daedalus too many years ago to expect to find it now.  By that I am refering to the moral responsibility to not drag the citizenry onto seriously-disruptive terrain with irreversible and terrible moral consequences.  It is something I would have wished our leaders to have understood better in their zeal to reform the world.

Also, the democracies with which I am familiar do recognize self-defense as a civil justification, but vigilantyism is not held in such high regard.  What is an appropriate international conduct among nations that favors the same consideration for justice and the rule of law?

Secondly, I have serious concerns with the lopsided social utilitarianism that is expressed here.  What about the externalities?  Posner seems to suggest that the trade-off equation about pre-emption involves the cost-benefit to us, to our nation, without consideration for the externalities that are bourn by the inhabitants of the territory that we conduct our war on.  This also seems to completely undermine the present-value versus future-cost equation, having the present cost in lives lost be some else's while the only the speculative future cost is ours.

An easy way to express my concern is this: The next time I hear someone say better that non-combatant (and even insurgent) Iraqi citizens die there now than we be attacked here later, I will regret that the practice of washing someone's mouth out with soap is no longer acceptable corporal punishment.

And as a non-Christian, I have this puzzle for anyone to address: What would Jesus have to say about our behavior?

Preventive War or Preventive Thought?: The Logical Conclusion for an anti-Chomskyite

B: You look deep in thought J. What are you thinking about?

J: I was just thinking about preventive war and how it seems a good logical idea.

B: Really? You think it’s logical?

J: You don’t?! You can’t be that naïve. Of course it’s logical.

B: Please explain yourself.

J: Well, I mean if we just go kill the other people first, it will just save us the trouble of having to do it later after they attack us, and could possibly save many more lives than if we wait. And it’s probably cost efficient. Why would any intelligent person wait? It’s like preventive medicine. You don’t wait until you get the illness before you start taking preventive medicine. Otherwise, it’s not preventive medicine. How much simpler could it be?

B: Hmmm I’m not so sure you can apply the preventive medicine analogy when talking about human affairs and war. It’s a little more complicated than that, don’t you think?

J: Hell no! It’s not complicated! If we know that these folks may eventually do something to us, why shouldn’t we just go after them first? Killem’! Killem’ all!

B: How will we determine who may want to do something to us in the future?

J: See?! This is the perfect example! I can tell by the way you’re questioning me that it’s possible that you’ll probably want to attack me in the future.

B: You can tell that simply by the questions I’ve asked you?

J: There you go again! You’ve just proved my point! You are attacking me! I knew I should’ve kicked your red-ass after you recommended that therapist! You commies are always sneaking up on us just waiting to pounce when our guard is down.

B: Commies?! What are you talking about? I’ve asked you five simple questions and now you’re calling me a commie? You say that I’m attacking you? You say that I’m sneaking up on you? And you say that you should have kicked my red-ass earlier? And you said I’ve proved your point? What are you talking about?

J: Yes, you have proved my point.

B: How have I done that?

J: Well, if I would have just killed you earlier on I wouldn’t have to endure all this pain you’re inflicting on me. See?

B: I’m inflicting pain on you? What have I done?

J: You may as well have stuck a knife into my back you unappreciative, Che T-shirt wearing, traitor.

B: So what if everybody else decides to implement the preventive doctrine? What will keep them from killing you first?

J: Because I believe in God and country and…(BANG!)

(Just then a gun shot went off and J’s head splattered against the wall. Everyone turned around only to see Barbara, his wife, standing there wearing her NRA T-shirt, her Wal-Mart sneakers, holding a 12-pack of Diet Pepsi in one hand and the smoking gun in the other.)

Barb: Sorry, B. I heard what J said and thought he was going to kill you.

(Barbara drops her gun, opens a Pepsi, looks into B’s eyes and says…..)

Barb: Be sure to vote for Bush!

Kropotkin Beard
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