Orcmid's Lair
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Scoble's Red Couch Opens

Scobleizer: Microsoft Geek Blogger - Link blog, Red Couch opens, some quick hits before heading to bed ....  At 3:40:57 -0800 somewhere served by Oakland airport, Scoble finally winds down.  He's way ahead of me.  I comment on one of his entries and I find myself playing straight man to his next entry.  It would be smart (as I do in my on-line classes) to read a complete thread before replying to an early comment, but then this particular sequence would not have been so exciting or fun.  (There are Scobleizer postings I haven't read yet, so he really didn't go to bed or he's up and moving again.  It's 08:59 -0800 right now.)

"The Red Couch" is now a blog on MSN Spaces and it will be interesting to follow.  Subscribed.  I hate having to go through the ActiveX prompt all the time but it seems to be one of the penalties of dealing with Microsoft sites.  Here I'm declining to let it run just to see what that costs me.  So far, I can't get to the comments and the photo space is empty.  I can live with those omissions for now.  I also accept that the background red-orange is intended for the red couch, but it is hard on my eyes.  White on red-orange doesn't work so hot for me either.  Yes, I know, it is one of the butterfly colors on MSN.

Meanwhile, back on Scobleizer, I notice there is a "Live Message Alerts!" button down below Scoble's cell phone number on the right sidebar.  Cool!  That relates to what I am looking for at making it easy for people to do civic things and to find out that they've done it.  I receive MSN alerts on my cell phone now, mostly a daily game to see how well they can predict the Seattle weather though there's not much one can do with a sliding 5-day forecast of rain, rain, showers, showers, rain.  I can't quite figure out how these alerts can be hooked up using the page that Scobleizer's button leads to, but this is something that might have great value for coordination of ODMA support.

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