Orcmid's Lair
Orcmid's Lair

Welcome to Orcmid's Lair, the playground for family connections, pastimes, and scholarly vocation -- the collected professional and recreational work of Dennis E. Hamilton

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Bloggers as Gatekeepers and Citizens
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Community Source Development: The Higher-Education Road
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When Possibilities Inspire Their Sources

Scobleizer: Microsoft Geek Blogger - New Book Born -- The Red Couch.  OK, Scoble was so energized by the interaction he had with one of his readers that he himself caught fire.  I can be a little arch about this and say, "Scoble, see who you are for the world, it is now giving possibility back to you with interest?"

Scoble is inspired to go completely off the charts with a proposal for a virtual collaboration leading to a book.  He's declaring that the entire book will be developed by blogging, and then sold to a publisher on eBay.  His initial brainstorming/FAQ makes me salivate and want to do something similar.  I bet that the title sticks, too.

Here's a completely transparent approach to collaborative work that is also its own dog food.  You have to love that.  I also love all the ways this is going to put kinks in our ordinarily proprietary, stingy way of hiding our work until it is done.  Especially something that we fear has competitors in the timid mercantile, zero-sum view of the world that is aroused so easily.

Last night I was looking at checklists on Gantthead (registration required, yadda yadda) and an entry about virtual projects caught my eye.  It has to do with remote/distributed stakeholders and distributed developers too.  I am going to look more closely because I want to see what is adaptable to conduct of an open-source effort that has strong community-contribution qualities.  It is a specialized-niche community, but that makes for a nice small laboratory for perfecting an approach that may also work for greater undertakings.

In the spirit of Scoble's work at public collaborative authoring, I think there is room for a little wikification here. In a sense, blogging with good and automatic tracking-back arrangements would provide a sort of distributed wiki of the kind I have in mind.  But that's not what my project is about, and I am not going to derail myself from that commitment to address this.  Hmm, it would be weird if MSN Spaces were the right kind of tool for this.  I've been thinking of it as a toy, but it might be just the right toy.  Heh.

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