nfoCentrale: the Anchor Site

Construction Structure


 2013-10-05 09:36 -0700

Superior Structure: nfoCentrale Construction Structure
nfoCentrale Construction Zone
Local Infrastructure:        index.htm images/ Construction Structure (this page)
Immediate Content: [images used in site-wide support of logos and other reused symbols, with deep linking unsupported]
Subordinate Structure: [none]


This material conforms to the
2010-05-12 styles for Site Repaving.  Check those pages for additional details of the approach and the styles. 
Contact the nfoCentrale technical coordinator with questions and to report any defects that you notice.


All webs and sub-webs developed using Microsoft FrontPage Extensions have an images/ folder.  This is used for site-wide images that are served on many different pages.

The nfoCentrale images/ folder is used for private images employed on pages of the site.  All use of these images is from links in other content.  The images are subject to change, including change of name, at any time.  There is no assurance that access will be preserved.  Do not refer to this material from pages or hosts external to the nfoCentrale site, including any local mirror.

This construction section is part of the engineering, construction management, maintenance, and infrastructure for ODMdev.  You are welcome to explore this and other construction-information pages.   You'll need your hard hat and safety shoes.

Construction Zone (Hard Hat Area)

You are navigating Construction Structure
of nfoCentrale, the anchor site.

created 2006-10-05-20:09 -0700 (pdt) by orcmid
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 13-10-05 9:36 $
$$Revision: 59 $
