AIIM DMware Interoperability Exchange

DMware /
Construction Log



This page provides the Construction Log for the root-level pages of the DMware web site.  Every subweb of the site contains Construction Structure material and the index.htm and construction.htm pages of each subweb are part of that structure.  The top-level construction subweb provides further details.

Change History

2003-03-11-15:05 Adopt Standardized Construction Log style (orcmid)
1. The standard style and format being introduced for all construction structures is implemented on this page, as specified in article C000003: Construction Structure.
2. This page is now an appropriate template of all construction.htm pages other than the one in the /construction section itself.
3. The index.htm page is also modified to conform to the uniform structure now being introduced.
4. The default.htm page was reviewed and conformed to the emerging new style also.
2002-12-11-17:17 Stabilize DMware root on (orcmid)
1. is now hosted at
2. The DMware mirror on is officially a ghost town, and the placement of tombstones is continuing.
3. This DMware root section has been adjusted for minimal cloaking accomodation, and new work follows cloaking rules.
4. A consistent style is being developed for DMware pages.  
5. All extraneous root-level material has been tombstoned, with the essential information preserved in the FAQ section.
6. We are preparing for creation of a commemorative CD-ROM of the DMware materials for presentation at AIIM 2003.
2002-01-24-15:34 Prepare for Transition to (orcmid)
1. The font, leading, and banner styles of are adopted here.
2. 2002-02-15: The material at the top level and then all immediately-contained subwebs are arranged to not use relative links to lateral material.  References to the DMA, ODMA, and other sections are made by absolute links to their domains (e.g.,, and    Such links will be limited and easy to find.
3. 2002-02-15: When this task is completed for all of the subweb, it will be possible to mirror on and then decomission the subweb.
2001-12-04-21:38 Establish DMware Mirror Group (orcmid)
The construction structure at the top level of the DMware group is tweaked to follow the model also used for the Orcmid's Lair group originally co-located with DMware material.  This group consists of DMware, ODMA, DMA, and refmodel all at the same level of an anchor site.  The anchor site is only referenced from the DMware/construction information, then only relatively and circuitously, and from nowhere else.  (Any other linkages are bugs and will be repaired as detected.)
1. Direct references to are also limited to the top level non-construction material.
2001-07-07-08:37 Tombstone DMware Model Material (orcmid)
Because .doc files are difficult to tombstone without creating absolute links (the relative ones don't work once the .doc file is opened on a local client), it was decided to leave the early Microsoft Word versions of the model description here in the DMware material, in case anyone has links to them.  This only matters on the original development site, but we will have DMware-mirror consistency as a consequence of this simplification.  (The original DMAware directory is not part of the DMware mirror structure and we have no shortcuts back to that location in the DMware-mirror content.)
2001-07-05-11:09 Correct DMware linkages and descriptions to provide mirror (orcmid)
The nomenclature used in the construction materials and other linkages is altered to be relative internally and independent of the NuovoDoc Centrale web site so that all DMware sections can be mirrored on a different web server and be maintained accurately with consistent internal linkages.  The site can also be placed on a CD-ROM or other medium and be operational as pages in (relative) directories of a file system.
2001-05-02-19:34 Make tombstones for pages that have been moved (orcmid)
Those page that were originally at the top level of the DMware site and that are now moved to new, more-appropriate sections are replaced by tombstones as follows:
1. Spencer-regex-license.txt is simply kept here, in case it has been linked to, even though it is now out of context.  A separate copy now exists in the open-source section. [2002-12-11: The extraneous copy is removed from the root and is now located only in the open-source section.]
2001-05-02-17:08 Review New DMware Organization for Complete Construction Structure (orcmid)
The DMware section is reviewed for correctness of the construction structure before tombstoning the reorganized materials formerly in different locations of the site.
1. DMware root.
2. DMware collaterals section.
3. DMware construction section.
4. DMware images section.
5. DMware license section.
6. DMware metadata section.
7. DMware model section.
8. DMware open-source section.
9. DMware standards section.
10. DMware Web-DM section.
11. DMware XMLware section.
2001-04-30-20:37 Change Branding to Reflect DMware Initiation (orcmid)
1. Insert DMware logo and replace with links to throughout. [2002-12-11: The location at AIIM is being retired and it may become an alias for at some point.]
2. Redistributed material into several subfolders.
3. Save indication of that material that was locatable previously so can be tombstoned.
4. Populate all of the new subfolders with construction pages in the style of this revised one.
2000-06-23-12:01 Announce ODMA Summer Bug Hunt 2000
1. Remove the InfoNuovo and Hard Hat images from the home page of the DMware site on  Set the background to pure white indicating that this is production content and not construction material.
2. Update the "Last Updated" item to refer to this change history (though it can't stay that way when the material must mirror onto without unnecessary links to
3. Add a marquee having the Bug Hunt announcement to the DMware home page.
2000-05-17-22:53 Adjust home page (orcmid)
I adjusted the information about the AIIM distribution lists to be more specific about the messages that the additional commands are sent in. [2002-12-11: This information is now moved to the FAQ of and]
2000-05-15-21:51 Create Collaterals Folder from stray material on Compagno (orcmid)
1. The compagno Personal Web site has a separate DMAware web that holds some template and collateral materials.  This folder is brought over to DMware/collaterals for cleanup and introduction as supporting development materials for ODMA and DMA and other projects.
2. The compagno DMAware mini-web is then deleted.  There were no VSS-recorded materials and the configuration management will be reconstituted as the folder is integrated into the DMware site.
2000-04-12-13:30 Add DMware Tutorial and Web-DM Forum Coverage (orcmid)
1. Added questions about how open-source license works to the AIIM 2000 notes.
2. Added notes from the Web-DM Forum
[2002-12-11: This material is all distributed in the FAQ pages, and will be further redeployed as the site is made more congenial for CD-ROM and web site promotion.]
2000-04-12-07:00 Expand DMware Information (orcmid)
1. Added More Information section to the DMware introduction page.
2. Created a resources page for reference by the DMware introduction and overview.
3. Updated AIIM2000 notes to include more material, and linked in the text notes not digested and re-edited so far.
2000-04-11-21:31 Update AIIM 2000 Coverage (orcmid)
1. Reflect changes from morning in Construction Log.
2. Corrected AIIM 2000 page URL to AIIM-site ODMA coverage.
3. Corrected typo under "Qualifying Interoperability of System Components."
4. Added "updated ..." timestamp at top of AIIM 2000 page and the Model page.
5. Did clean up in DMA area based on results of tracing links from AIIM2000 page.
2000-04-11-08:58 Add AIIM 2000 Coverage (orcmid)
Took notes at first day of AIIM 2000 and converted them to on-line additions:
1. Added aiim2000.htm page with first day's information from AIIM 2000.
2. Updated default.htm to refer to AIIM 2000 activity and also to include links to the areas for DMA and ODMA as integral parts of the DMware development site..
2000-04-09-11:19 Begin Updating for AIIM 2000 (orcmid)
Reviewed links for the material and begin expanding for AIIM 2000 access.  
1. Copied the dmaware001, dmaware002, and dmaware003 documents here to the development project so they can be linked.  They are already part of the VServers test site image.
2. Incorporated construction log links to the material that is available for exploration and review.  Will create a guide later.  
3. Updated the default page to address items in the prolog and begin creating a sketch of what's available.
4. Added the model page and tied it into the default page.
2000-04-07-11:38 Create Placeholder for Test Site (orcmid)
Created a placeholder version so that the AIIM site can refer to the material here while construction and organization continues.  That way the AIIM technical support can put links to this site before AIIM 2000 starts and the links will all land at this DMware site.  I will expand the content independently as I prepare to go to AIIM, and while I am there.
1. Moved the current default.htm content into a comment and introduced a simple placeholder page for the browsable content.
2. Check in the default.htm and this construction log so that people don't get too lost if any links are traced.
2000-03-29-09:33 Established DMACINFO.HTM (orcmid)
[2002-11-12: This material is now all located on the DMA site in the DMACOM section.  This history should be moved there.]
Instead of DMACHIST.HTM, I figured out that DMACINFO.HTM is a better choice. 
1. Initial DMACINFO.HTM created by cloaning the DMware Model page and using it for boilerplate.
2. Update DMACOM.H to refer to DMACINFO.HTM and to an alternative Web site for now.
2000-03-28-16:25 Expand Redistribution Information and Statement for DMACOM.H (orcmid)
I looked at the files that I want to have packaged as part of the redistribution license for DMACOM.H
1. There will typically be three files: DMACOM.H itself, DMACDIST.TXT carrying the redistribution license, and DMACHIST.HTM providing supplemental usage and history information.  In the conventional distribution with DMA libraries, all three files will be at the same level in a Zip package and/or directory that contains all of the DMA Reference Header files, preserving the directory structure already in use.
2. COMDIST.TXT was renamed to DMACDIST.TXT to have it be specific to DMACOM.H and not likely to conflict with other files in the DMA Header-File set.   A version-control $Header line is added to the end of the file, just to confirm its place in DMware configuration management.  There was further wordsmithing.
3. I imported two Microsoft versions of objbase.h to for monitoring of changes that might impact DMACOM.H.  I confirmed that the changes from one to the other have no impact on elements used in DMACOM.
4. I cleaned up DMACOM.H to make draft 0.02 of DMACOM.H Version 1.10 in initial configuration-managed form.
2000-03-23-11:42 Update Redistribution Statement for DMACOM.H
The draft 0.01 was checked in here and draft 0.02 made with minor cosmetic changes based on sight-checking.
2000-03-15-11:30 Create Redistribution Statement for DMACOM.H.
I prepared draft 0.01 of a redistribution statement for the DMACOM.H file as COMDIST.TXT.   I reviewed it verbally with Mark Ryland, Microsoft Director of Standards.  There may be need to put in some kind of hold-harmless statement regarding patent infringement. 
2000-01-31-16:23 Impose Consistent Construction Structure (structure)
The path from DMware and DMAware back to the root is tidied up so that there is correct connectivity and no broken links through the construction structure.  For DMware, this means that the SDM draft 0.01 and the dmware004.htm document must be complete enough to publish to VServer along with the tidy construction structure.
2000-01-03-11:53 Develop Simple DMware (SDM) Version 1.0 Agreement draft 0.01 (orcmid)
Create a specimen agreement for the simple license.  Set it up to be annotated.
1. Create sdm0.01.htm, the Simple DMware open-source license (annotated), draft 0.01.  This is a clone of dmware004.htm reduced to a template and a set of supporting sections.  The prose and license are incomplete.
2. Eliminate DMAware from shortcuts and bookmarks inside dmware004.htm.
2000-01-03-11:27 Switch to DMware and Recover Deleted Directory (orcmid)
In converting from DMAware to DMware, I managed to mess around so much that I lost the DMware directory from both FrontPage98 and VSS as of 11:00 this morning.   Fortunately, I had not done much about content and can recover this from VSS.   I got back a previously deleted folder, but it didn't have current information.   Here is what we have.
1. DMware was cloned from DMAware and then branched so that DMAware could be put into a retired state with links back to this page.  DMAware was reduced to a simple default.htm, index.htm, and construction.htm set.  The conclave development-site versions are deleted and the VServer image folder is ready to be uploaded on the next InfoNuovo VServer update.
2. The default.htm page here is updated to reflect the change and to link to revisions of the model in a way that accounts for the name change starting with model draft 0.04.
3. The linkages among default.htm, index.htm, and construction.htm (this log) are restored to follow the model specified in the InfoNuovo/Construction area.
4. Replaced all references to DMAware in draft 0.04 to references to DMware and also included ODMA in examples of project elements.
5. Checked this stuff all back in to establish a clean time-line and recover point in case I do this all over again.
2000-01-02-21:46 Tidy up default, index, and construction information (orcmid)
1. The default.htm Hard Hat image is modified to link to this Construction Log, rather than go directly to the InfoNuovo/construction area.
2. The linkages are cleaned up and the current draft linkages are differentiated better from the links to previous versions.
3. The index.htm Hard Hat image is modified to link to the construction area, not the log, for the simple reason that when index.htm is reached, it is likely that other pages are not valid.  If someone goes here on purpose, they miss some of the fun.
1999-12-10-12:21 Redo Start of Draft 0.04 Editing (orcmid)
With the recreated draft 0.04 base document, start making changes again:
1. Update the version information and begin a new revision history in the document.
2. Fixed the FrontPage comment about the template used to simply be a normal comment in the HTML header.
3. Corrected the <--$$Version label to be a <--$$Heading label so VSS can fill in that part of the header correctly.
4. Fixed all of the shortcuts that were of form dmaware004.htm#place to be of form #place.   I don't know how these got in here.  Also, most of the way through this it dawned on me that it is an easy Replace All on the HTML form of the page (duh...). 
1999-12-10-11:46 Begin Draft 0.04 Editing (orcmid)
1. Updated version information and began new revision history in the document.
2. Somehow, all of the page-relative internal shortcuts in the file became shortcuts relative to dmaware003.htm.  Something about how I prepared the dmaware004.htm version line crossed me up.  The next time I make a branch I will look at doing the renaming in FrontPage rather than in VSS.
3. To repair this, I took the following steps.  Closed dmaware004.htm in the FrontPage DMAware and deleted it via FrontPage explorer.  Then shared VServer mirror DMAware's dmaware004.htm line back to FrontPage DMAware.  I specified that the dmaware003.htm copy should be replaced at the destination.  I refreshed links in FrontPage DMAware.  I then used FrontPage Explorer to rename the version to dmaware004.htm.  I did not update any external links to the original version, because they should be left alone.  I checked that the FrontPage DMAware VSS project also got the new name.  I then brought a copy of (unmanaged) dmaware003.htm back to the FrontPage DMAware directory from the VServer DMAware mirror directory so that everything matches up.  I confirmed that the shortcuts are now, for some odd reason, specific to dmaware004.htm, which is correct, but they should be internal to the page.  I can now adjust those without concern for ones I might overlook.
1999-12-10-11:07 Prepare for Draft 0.04 Creation (orcmid)
1. I set up for Draft 0.04 as follows.  I branched dmaware003.htm in the off-line FrontPage site and renamed the branched file to dmaware004.htm on this new branch.  I then shared the dmaware003.htm branch that is in the InfoNuovo Vserver DMAware mirror back to the FrontPage DMAware mini-Web.  This gives me an unshared independent dmaware004.htm line to edit and develop as the next version.  I added known FrontPage 98 tasks for dmaware004.htm work.
2. Because the lines of development for the earlier files are frozen, yet the FrontPage DMAware site has references to them, I arranged to differentiate them as follows.   First, I deleted dmaware001.doc, dmaware002.doc, dmaware002.htm, and dmaware003.htm from the VSS project for the FrontPage DMAware mini-Web.  Then I did a refresh links in FrontPage 98.  This has the files remain in the FrontPage DMAware mini-Web but not be under source control.  The copies are also read-only, so alterations will normally be blocked.  This way, the files are there for maintenance of shortcuts from other pages and viewing, but no inadvertent alteration will impact any currently-managed version.  The files and their version histories are still shown in the VServer DMAware mirror project.
1999-12-10-10:35 Correct Linkages in DMAware (orcmid)
1. Corrected incorrect linkage on the index.htm page to instead of
2. Manually forced check-in of this construction.htm page so that FrontPage 98 and VSS both recognize it.
1999-12-10-08:28 Create Construction Log (orcmid)
1. Generate retroactive history of the construction of the InfoNuovo DMAware mini-Web, by inspecting VSS history on all of the pages and the WS_FTP.LOG file for transfers from the off-line VServer mirror to
2. Introduce standard construction-log linkages here, from index.htm to this page to the InfoNuovo Construction Shack.  [revised 2000-01-31-16:23.]
1999-11-29-17:14 Publish 0.03 on VServer (orcmid)
Posted dmaware002.htm (because its time-stamp had been changed as part of a roll-back to over-ride an FP98 checkout), and dmaware003.htm, including the linked copy of the Henry Spencer license.  The DMAware home page provides links to this material plus the dmaware001.doc and dmaware002.doc files.  The open-source.htm version is removed.
1999-11-29-16:33 Complete Working Draft 0.03 (orcmid)
Completed a branched dmaware003.htm that reflected introduction of a simple open-source license.
1999-11-23-15:18 Publish 0.02 on VServer (orcmid)
Posted dmaware002.doc and the correspondingly-updated dmaware002.htm that comprise the draft to be included with the DMA dissolution ballot.
1999-11-23-14:52 Derive dmaware002.doc (orcmid)
Branched dmaware001.doc and then checked in a new derivation from the current open-source.htm.  I then did some cleanups on the .doc RTF version:
1. Remove dependency on Unicode font used by my Office 2000 configuration, substituting Arial everywhere.
2. Cleanup page break and change history.  This ends up with a small risk of forking between open-source.htm for 0.02 and the .doc file.  I won't do it this way again.   [Needed: An automated way to accomplish the HTML -> DOC conversion using templates and defined styles.  Manual attention should be confined to pagination, setting the heading, and substituting the higher-quality versions of all graphics.]
1999-11-23-14:42 Complete Review Draft 0.02 (orcmid)
An update of Draft 0.01 was created that reflected discussion in a DMA Leaders call.   The draft has its own internal change log.  The file is renamed dmaware002.htm after final check-in.
1999-11-11-05:37 Publish 0.01 on VServer (orcmid)
The current information is published to, with dmaware001.doc and open-source.htm carrying the initial Model sketch.
1999-11-10-15:26 Create boilerplate pages (orcmid)
1. An initial index.htm is created by cloning the corresponding page from the InfoNuovo open-source mini-Web, where I am still doing most of my work and information gathering.   There is now content available to post to the InfoNuovo VServer site.
1999-11-10-15:04 Derive dmaware001.doc (orcmid)
This file is created by opening open-source.htm in FrontPage 2000 and pasting it into a fresh Word 2000 page.  The Word document is edited to have appropriate styles, headers, footers, and pagination and saved as RTF.  It is checked in to the off-line site under VSS and FrontPage 98.
1999-11-10-12:00 Complete Review Draft 0.01 (orcmid)
This document is created by editing the open-source.htm in FrontPage 98 and then circulating it by e-mail.
1999-11-09-13:09 Create Initial DMAware mini-Web (orcmid)
1. After researching open-source software development for a time, this separate mini-Web is established to carry the specific proposals and reviews on creation of a DMAware clearinghouse and model for open-source distribution and development.
2. This mini-Web is a placeholder for developing an unofficial version of the DMAware clearinghouse that becomes a prototype and then a mirror for an AIIM International DMAware Clearinghouse.
3. The initial content is simply a basic default.htm file derived from the default.htm of the InfoNuovo open-source mini-Web.
4. The open-source.htm page is started using the DMA Architecture Proposal template as an initial skeleton.

Hard Hat Area (anchor site)

You are navigating construction structure
of the DMware Interoperability Exchange.

created 1999-12-10-08:28 -0800 (pst) by orcmid
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 06-10-08 16:38 $
$$Revision: 45 $
