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AIIM 2000 Q&A


0.10 last updated 2002-12-11-22:02 -0800 (pst)

What's Happening in Document-Management Standards?

What Is WebDAV?

What's At AIIM 2000?

What's Hot in Document-Management?

What is Open-Source and DMware About?

Web-DM Forum

More Undigested Notes

What's Happening in Document-Management Standards?

Q: How Can I find out what's going on in Document-Management Standards?

A: Use the AIIM International home page on the Web:

Click the "Standards" button and go to the AIIM Standards area.  This provides current links to

Q: Are there other activities?

A: Yes.  Other activities also have information on the Web:

What Is WebDAV?

WebDAV: Web Document Authoring & Versioning

WebDAV provides extensions to HTTP that provide for authoring and versioning directly over the Web.  

WebDAV functions are implemented in current releases of Microsoft Windows, Internet Explorer, and Microsoft Office.

There are WebDAV Server functions implemented in Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) and as supplements to Apache and other servers.

There are public, open-source implementations as well as commercial and closed-source implementations.

WebDAV is being extended further into document management by the addition of document-level security controls and versioning with check-in and check-out controls.  There are also extensions at the technical level with regard to managing containers of material and specifying connections among different items.

At AIIM 2000?

Tuesday, April 11
Conference Session 60
Document Management over the Web: WebDAV
13:30 - 14:30, Room 1E16

Wednesday, April 12
Breakout on DMware Open-Source
9:00 - 11:00, Room 2D02

Web-DM Forum
noon - 15:30, Room 2D02
(there is a $30 fee for attendance)

What's Hot in Document Management?

On the technical front, WebDAV and XML, XML, and XML

On the IT and user front, calibrating and confirming interoperability across the enterprise and with business partners.  This is an identified "missing" in discussions with many people, and came out of the  NIST E-Docs Conference as well.

Qualifying Interoperability of System Components

Who typically provides tools and widgets that are shared with others?

What is Open-Source and DMware About?

see also:
Q010301: What Is DMware?

The DMware Model describes a particular approach to open-source software development and distribution.

Open-Source is About Licensing

One characteristic of open-source software is that there is always a license.  The license provides non-exclusive conditional permission to perform particular acts that are protected under copyright.

Redistribution is Licensed

Copying and redistribution is one of the common permissions, and there are conditions.

Derivatives are Highly-Conditional

Making a derivative work.  All open-source licenses permit making and distribution of derivative works.  

Credit and Clear Relationship to Original is Required

Confusion with original is always avoided

Open Source Definition provides Clear Model

What Happens when DMA and ODMA go Open-Source?

What if a proprietary solution were turned over as open-source?

Who is responsible for the original updating of DMA and ODMA as open-source.  The DMware Technical Coordinator, Dennis Hamilton, is performing that work under AIIM institutional sponsorship.

What is the impact on proprietary products based on DMA and ODMA?

Web-DM Forum at AIIM 2000

Attendees: 10 people


Intentions for the Group

Sharing, networking, common interests, best practices, success stories, case studies

[Get the announcement]

Meet twice yearly and have forums around the country so that we can be available to different communities

People on sign-up list are asked to specify whether available to the advisory committee

Document Repository Interoperability on the Web - Jim Whitehead, Chair, WebDAV Working Group:

Reviewed list of exiting 2518-honoring clients and servers (9 servers, 10 clients)

Different Uses of WebDAV

Presentation of some Use Cases and Property Handling

Searching with DASL

Delta-V Overview



Support Organization


Brainstorming Activity and Where can Web-DM go

Dennis presented how the DMware site can be used in this way

Discussion of compliance testing suites

Introductions and What People want from Web-DM

Where are the vendors in this conversation?  Who can work with common interfaces and practices and forge agreements among vendors?

Key issue about how everyone is web-enabling and want to anticipate how to exploit this to make integration and migration smother

[Hide talks about how high-capacity DMA repositories deployed in largest Japanese pharmaceutical company and Japanese Patent Office.]

What benefits could accrue to vendors for faster time to market out of what we do

What benefits could accrue to integrations

What benefits could accrue to users

Issues of mergers and acquisitions and conversions, plus interoperability within a single vendors product family

Notion of a modern placeless office and how user keeps own information, avoids duplications in the system, etc.  Nice high-level user model based on how they want to operate at a new level in business.

Presentation of IETF rules and model and how it is done without organization voting.

Looking for meeting again in September.

Location somewhere in the U.S.

This body becomes the advisory council.

Question about polling vendors.

Vendor could provide hosting facilities.

Discussion of original idea to have Web-DM be a best-practices and networking activity, with requirements that come up going to existing standards programs.

The XML piece, and is there document-management on XML.

Goal: Get vendors on board to attend the next session.

Suggestion of 3 audiences

Implementations have to be out there, and then the government provides economic impetus [?]

We need to get to that audience to find the horsepower that we need.

Additional integrators who are working into the e-commerce and ASP areas need to say how they see closing the gap between users and vendors.

0.10 2002-12-11 introduced for expanded FAQ information about DMware (orcmid)
The original document from AIIM 2000 is incorporated here and set up for further editing and subdivision.

created 2002-12-11-16:12 -0800 (pst) by orcmid
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 02-12-11 22:02 $
$$Revision: 3 $
