Model for DMAware Open-Source Development and Distribution

DMAware is the working name for the open-source development and distribution of document-management software based on the work of the AIIM Document Management Alliance. 

The subject matter of the DMAware clearinghouse is public, openly-contributed DMA software, documentation, and metadata definitions. 

The DMAware clearinghouse accepts other open-source contributions that further the integrated usage of standards-based document-management technology.    Links are provided to other work that contributes to interoperability of document-management solutions.

This is a draft of in-progress work.  For access to the latest version, visit


, Technical Committee Chairman, AIIM Document Management Alliance

Revision History:

This is draft 0.02 of 2003-02-26


1. Introduction

2. DMAware Clearinghouse

3. Open-Source Licensing

4. Contribution Procedures

5. Open-Source DMAware Availability and Accountability

6. Open-Source Project Management

7. Specifications, Definitions, and Metadata Clearinghouse

8. Existing Specifications and Software

9. Implementation and Transition

10. References and Resources


Change History


1.  Introduction

DMAware is the name for clearinghouse and open-source development activities to be carried out with the institutional sponsorship of AIIM International.  The DMAware clearinghouse provides an archive of the technical specifications and sample software developed by the AIIM Document Management Alliance.  The DMAware clearinghouse provides an open, public forum for access to, discussion of, application of, and contribution to this body of work.   

To provide for the widest availability and reusability of the material, the current DMA 1.0 materials and proposed extensions to DMA 1.0 are being shared openly and organized for further development using open-source practices and licenses. 

This approach is being undertaken for the following purposes:

2.  DMAware Clearinghouse

The heart of the DMAware clearinghouse is a World-Wide Web site, operated as part of the AIIM Web site (at,  that provides access to all information and participants of the DMAware community.

The DMAware clearinghouse provides three levels of material:

  1. Specifications, standards, and documentation that offer models, frameworks, interfaces, and procedures of value in the achievement of document-management interoperability
  2. Computer software that supports document-management system interoperability along with technical materials and documentation related to the application of that software
  3. User experiences and common definitions for user-meaningful information (e.g., metadata) that enhances the interoperability of systems as well as the interchange and reusability of managed materials

Although initial material for the DMAware clearinghouse is related to technical integration methodologies and software interfaces for interoperable access to varied document collections, coverage will expand to areas of usage and practice once technical interoperability becomes established.

3.  Open-Source Licensing

To ensure that DMAware software is freely available for continuing community development, improvement, and refinement, open-source licensing practices are adopted.

Rather than define a unique open-source license, the efforts of the broader open-source community are utilized.  The Open Source Initiative provides definitions and certification that will be relied upon for DMAware [OSI].

3.1 Copyright Held by AIIM International

License to all copyrighted subject matter contributed to DMAware will generally be held by AIIM International.  Where copyright is retained by the contributing party, an appropriate OSI-approved license must be provided that permits unrestricted redistribution by AIIM International and any recipient of a distribution of the contributed material.

Submitters of new contributions must provide a transfer agreement that includes affirmation that the contributor has the right to make the contribution under the covering license (section 4.1)

3.2 OSI Approved Open-Source License

All license statements employed for DMAware will conform to the Open-Source Definition [OSD] and be approved by the Open Source Initiative [OSI].   Contributors may use any OSI-approved license.  There are nine qualities that the current version, OSD 1.7, stipulates as characteristics of open-source licenses.   Here is the proposed application to open-source DMAware:

  1. Unrestricted Free Redistribution

    The materials covered by the license may be freely redistributed without modification.

  2. Source Code Inclusion

    The materials must include source code and the license allows redistribution in source code form as well as compiled form.

    Redistribution in a form that omits source code must be accompanied by a well-publicized means for obtaining the source code without difficulty and at nominal cost, if any.  Source code deposited in the DMAware clearinghouse may be used for this purpose (3), below.

  3. Derived Works Allowed

    "The license must allow modifications and derived works, and must allow them to be distributed under the same terms as the license of the original software."

    It is being discussed whether distribution of derived works be required to be under the same terms as the license of the original software.  Under the OSD, it is only necessary that creators of derived works be allowed to do so.   There are OSI-approved licenses in both camps, so either approach will be allowed.  The question remains open for any DMAware-customized licenses that might be developed (section 3.3).

    It is proposed that distributed forms of open-source derived works can be deposited, with appropriate source code, in the DMAware clearinghouse.  Such deposited source code may be used to satisfy availability of omitted source code in satisfaction of item (2), above.

  4. Integrity of the Source Preservable

    "The license may restrict source-code from being distributed in modified form only if the license allows the distribution of 'patch files' with the source code for the purpose of modifying the program at build time. The license must explicitly permit distribution of software built from modified source code. The license may require derived works to carry a different name or version number from the original software."

    It is proposed for DMAware that separately-distributed derived works must be distinctly identified in a way that avoids all possibility of confusion with the original work or subsequent versions of that work, and that provides access to the source for the original as well as for any derived open-source work.

  5. No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups

    "The license must not discriminate against any person or group of persons."

  6. No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor

    "The license must not restrict anyone from making use of the program in a specific field of endeavor. For example, it may not restrict the program from being used in a business, or from being used for genetic research."

  7. Distribution of License without Added Restraints

    "The rights attached to the program must apply to all to whom the program is redistributed without the need for execution of an additional license by those parties."

  8. License Not Specific to a Product

    "The rights attached to the program must not depend on the program's being part of a particular software distribution. If the program is extracted from that distribution and used or distributed within the terms of the program's license, all parties to whom the program is redistributed should have the same rights as those that are granted in conjunction with the original software distribution."

  9. License Must Not Contaminate Other Software

    "The license must not place restrictions on other software that is distributed along with the licensed software. For example, the license must not insist that all other programs distributed on the same medium must be open-source software."

3.3 Licenses Differentiate Programs, Libraries, and Components

Up to three specific OSI-approved license statements will be recommended (after development, if needed)  for specific application to DMAware as needed.  This is to provide for differentiation among general open-source software, open-source libraries that may be used in the construction of closed-source software, and open-source components that may be co-operated with closed-source software. 

Existing OSI-approved licenses will be usable.   It is intended that contributors may make use of any OSI-approved licenses, whether or not DMAware-specific licenses are also established.  DMAware licenses will not be introduced where there is an available OSI-approved license that serves the requirements.

3.3.1 General Open-Source Licensing

There are a variety of OSI-approved general open-source licenses.  It is probably unnecessary to craft an additional license for this purpose.

A general open-source license, comparable in strength to the GNU General Public License [GPL] will be recommended for use with DMAware.  This license (and OSI-approved alternatives) applies to open-source distribution of complete software elements, such as

This license will conform to the Open-Source Definition (section 3.2).  The key feature of a strong GPL is that all derivative works of any kind are required to be made available under open-source conditions and must be distributed under license conditions that do not diminish access to the source materials, the ability of others to inspect, redistribute, and the ability to make further open-source derivative works.

3.3.2 Open-Source Library Licensing

The purpose of a library-level license is to encourage the separable distribution of library software and allow for its use in building certain larger programs and components (dependent works) that incorporate the library software in some form.  A library license can be used to release the qualifying dependent work from treatment as a derivative work and to authorize closed-source dependent works.

A library-level open-source license, comparable in strength to the GNU Lesser General Public License [LGPL] will be recommended for open-source distribution of libraries valuable in the construction of other libraries and in the construction of complete software elements of various kinds. 

The DMA header files and other library-definition elements are subject to this kind of license, as are interface definitions expressed in the Interface Definition Language (IDL) and other special forms, to the extent that copyrighted subject-matter is involved.

The purpose of the open-source library license is to allow libraries that are contributed, developed, and redistributed as open-source software to be employed in the construction of closed-source software (whether freeware, shareware, or commercial software) and in the construction of new open-source software.  However, any derivative work based on an open-source library that is itself a library is required to be an open-source library and satisfy other conditions of the open-source library license.   In addition, there can be licensing conditions on the notification that must be provided concerning the use of open-source libraries in the composition of other open- and closed-source dependent software.

Open-source library licenses distinguish between creating derivative libraries and depending on libraries in the composition of non-library software.  Allowing closed-source usage encourages interoperability, reduces redundancy of useful library implementations, and expands the community of application for the library, contributing to its achievement of high reliability and utility.  It also provides an avenue for developers of close-source software to contribute useful libraries to the open-source community and retain full rights to application of the library (and open-source improvements of it) in their closed-source applications.

3.3.3 Open-Source Component Licensing

If necessary, there will also be a separate open-source component license recommended for use with open-source DMAware components.  The purpose is to assert that the covered components be separable with no restriction on certain combinations even were it determined that such combinations constituted derivative works or compilations under copyright law.  This is similar to the purpose of the library-level open-source agreement, and it might be the case that a single license form can cover both cases.

Components, which are relatively-new kinds of software artifacts, have qualities of complete software elements and also of libraries.  The open-source component license is comparable in strength to the GNU Lesser General Public License [LGPL] and provides for open-source distribution of components: software elements that are not independently operable but are employed in conjunction with software system elements and libraries.  Open-source components are similar to open-source libraries except that combination with other elements occurs only in the course of processing operations and is entirely ephemeral.  The combination need never occur as a complete work fixed in a tangible medium.

Examples of components in DMAware include plug-in service elements for converting URLs in different character-set encodings, comparing texts in different collation sequences, providing error message translations in different user languages, creating cross-repository searches (merging scopes), and providing reference or test implementations of system objects and other componentized functionality of document services.  In the reference implementation of DMA 1.0, the DMA System Manager is accessed and operated as a shared component by any DMA application that requires access to DMA services (delivered by further components).

Characteristics to be considered and provided for in arriving at a component license, if needed, include

Open-source implementations of Java classes, of ActiveX components, DMA service elements, and similar packaged components benefit from this form of licensing.    Components have emerged since the creation of the GNU GPL and LGPL licenses. The objective is to permit, at the option of the contributor, free commingling of closed-source and open-source components in operations of open-source and closed-source systems without diluting the open-source license on the open-source components themselves.   

One of the key qualities of open-source components and open-source libraries is agreement on standardization of interfaces and allowance for substitutability of open-source and closed-source elements that honor those interfaces.  The interface is preserved as equally available for use with either kind of implementation.  Likewise, the application of the interface in the construction of open- and closed-source software is not restricted.

4.  Contribution Procedures

4.1 License and Release Required

The open-source nature of contributions will be clearly specified and be authoritative.

4.1.1 New contributions must be clearly packaged with appropriate open-source license statements.

4.1.2 New contributions must be accompanied by a formal release statement that attests to the authority of the contributor to make the contribution, that transfers copyright to AIIM International if appropriate, and that asserts the absence of any encumbrance to the license.  The material will be distributed as open-source certified software.

4.1.3 The DMAware clearinghouse will maintain records of the history of new contributions and modifications to contributions so that the origin of all material is readily auditable and confirmable.

4.2 Limitation to Open-Source and Public-Domain Materials

So that users of DMAware material are always clear on the usability of software obtained from the DMAware clearinghouse, only open-source and public-domain software will be provided on the clearinghouse site.

4.2.1 Contributions of software that are not made under an OSI-approved open-source license appropriate to the software will be rejected.  The clearinghouse materials will not be commingled with non-open-source software.  People who access software provided through the DMAware clearinghouse will have the reasonable expectation that all materials will be either OSI-certified or public-domain material.  Public-domain materials will be clearly identified.

4.2.2 The DMAware clearinghouse will allow announcements and posting of information for locating other materials, proprietary and otherwise, that may be of interest and value to the DMAware user community.   However, only open-source and public-domain materials, as already described, will be directly available via the DMAware clearinghouse.

4.3 Disclosure of Dependencies and Tool Requirements

It is important that a recipient of the contribution have sufficient information to be able to reproduce the construction of operational forms of the software elements.   There will be packaging requirements for ensuring that contributions provide that information, including the following:

4.3.1 Contributions must provide sufficient dependency and construction information such that any compiled or derived software elements can be reconstructed and the reconstruction confirmed (i.e, the elements when recompiled and rebuilt or rederived are reproduced exactly in every material respect).

4.3.2 Any dependency of the open-source software portions on non-redistributable materials that must be obtained elsewhere are clearly identified along with information on where to obtain the necessary materials.  (Such materials include non-redistributable debugging versions of run-time libraries, non-redistributable include files that are packaged with proprietary compilers and proprietary library systems, and run-time libraries and subsystems that are not restricted from redistribution.)

4.3.3 All dependency of the contributed software on tools, generic or specific, that are not included as part of the contribution must be clearly identified and the actual versions of tools used in construction and confirmation of the element must be identified so that all tool operations can be reproduced.  (This includes parameters and option settings that must be provided for proper tool operation.)

4.3.4 Any dependency of the open-source software on redistributable materials and tools that are included under separate license conditions must be clearly identified, the redistributed material must be clearly identified, the applicable license statement must identify the material to which it applies and the license must be included.  The separate license for redistributable materials must permit continued redistribution as part of redistribution of the open-source material and of any derivative open-source works of that material.  (An example of this case is the library file dmacom.h that is subject to redistribution as part of DMAware under terms and conditions established by Microsoft Corporation.)

5.  Open-Source DMAware Availability and Accountability

The status of all available and under-development DMAware will be fully reported on the DMAware clearinghouse site.  Reports of difficulties, suspected defects, and proposed remedies will be openly available.  The DMAware site will maintain an account of the history, provenance, and known status of all DMAware open-source releases.   Users of DMAware or of products that depend upon open-source DMAware are able to confirm the condition and history of the specific versions involved.

5.1 Availability and Archiving

Availability of open-source releases of DMAware software will be announced on appropriate archive news groups and other avenues.  The DMAware clearinghouse site will provide a catalog of the current status of all open-source releases, including providing means for downloading the material from the DMAware clearinghouse site.   Other sites can redistribute and make available open-source DMAware materials as provided for in the applicable open-source licenses.

5.2 Registration and Acknowledgment of License Conditions

Users who wish to download open-source DMAware materials may be required to register prior to being given download privileges.  The registration process is used to ensure that the requester is informed of the license conditions that apply to the material and knowingly consents to those conditions.  Registration also provides a contact mechanism if there is need to follow-up or communicate with the requester at a later time.  It is the policy of the DMAware site that the identity of requesters who have accessed DMAware materials not be disclosed and not be used for any other purpose.

5.3 Information about On-Going Development, Identified Defects, Available Remedies, and Usage Experience

Distribution lists will be available for discussion of DMAware, provision of trouble-shooting information and problem reports, and other discussions related to the use and any difficulties with the open-source DMAware software.

Defect reports, proposed patches, and change suggestions will be announced and posted on the DMAware clearinghouse site.

5.4 Reference to Clearinghouse from Distributed Materials

Users of software systems that include open-source DMAware programs, libraries, or components will be able to confirm, from information that accompanies those software elements, the history and current status of the specific DMAware software versions that are employed.  License materials supplied to those users will include instructions on how to identify the versions and confirm their status.

6.  Open-Source Project Management

There will be reliable procedures for the consistent maintenance of those open-source contributions for which the DMAware clearinghouse serves as the primary development, distribution, and archive point.  These procedures and guidelines will establish how open-source DMAware projects are constituted and the leadership roles and accountabilities that govern management of contributions and development of revisions.

In general, there is no particular procedure for developing a contribution and submitting it along the lines proposed in Section 4, Contribution Procedures.  The need for open-source project management arises when maintenance and further development of an existing contribution is carried out by an informal open-source team.  In many ways, the project management requirement is similar to the rules that a club might have to reach agreement on direction and tasks.  There becomes a need to establish how disagreements are to be resolved and who is allowed to participate in those decisions.

It is expected that there will be very few specific procedures initially, and that more-detailed project management agreements will be introduced as the first projects are carried forward.

Contributions of open-source DMAware software will be maintained and updated using agreed software project and configuration management practices.  The project management approach of the Apache Project [Apache] will serve as the model for DMAware project management.  As DMAware open-source development projects are undertaken, there will be identification of

7.  Specifications, Definitions, and Metadata Clearinghouse

Documentation and specifications will be available via the DMAware clearinghouse, both for download and on-line viewing.  Redistribution and creation of derivative works of these materials will be governed by notices provided in the documentation itself.

An important contribution of the DMAware clearinghouse is providing a place for users of DMAware to publish and exchange application-valuable information.  There will be an electronic clearinghouse for users to publish class and property definitions and property identifications that are valuable for use between organizations and individuals in achieving interoperability and interchange of managed-document information. 

The DMAware clearinghouse will provide a registry in which users can publish useful properties and class definitions and also publish descriptions of those items in any number of languages.  Material publicized and described in the registry will be freely usable in other usages of DMAware and in interoperable use of document-management systems.

The intention is to employ registry-information data formats that are easily interchanged and employed in conjunction with standards-based metadata repository systems.

8.  Existing Specifications and Software

The specifications and software produced under the AIIM Document Management Alliance will be available for distribution and usage from the DMA 1.0 section of the DMAware clearinghouse.  These materials are not under open-source license and certain rights to use and manipulate the materials are reserved under terms and conditions of the DMA participation agreement, regardless of any open-source provisions that may be introduced in further work.  

8.1 Preservation of DMA 1.0 Materials and Software

8.1.1 Existing software and documents that have been contributed without restriction to the AIIM Document Management Alliance will be maintained under copyright of AIIM International.  This software and its source code will be segregated in the DMAware clearinghouse as DMA 1.0 material.  This material has no additional license conditions on its downloading or usage (except for restrictions on any redistributed elements that might apply: see section 4.3.4).   This material includes the DMA 1.0 samples and the source code employed in the creation of the DMA System Manager for Win32, file dma10.dll.

8.1.2 Electronic versions of the DMA 1.0 specifications, the accompanying code samples and supporting documentation -- primarily the final proposals that were adopted as part of formulating DMA 1.0 -- will be segregated as part of the DMA 1.0 material of the DMAware clearinghouse.  This material will be maintained under copyright of AIIM International.  There is no limitation on the downloading and redistribution of this material in unchanged form.  All other rights, including the creation of derivative works, are strictly reserved in accordance with the Document Management Alliance participation agreement under which the DMA 1.0 specification was produced and made available.

8.1.3 All DMA enhancement proposals that have been put forward for trial-use in the DMA Technical Committee will be made available as supplemental material of the DMAware DMA 1.0 collection.  Usage of this material is limited in exactly the same manner as the DMA 1.0 specification itself.

8.1.4 Certain supplemental data files constitute a database by which portions of the DMA 1.0 specification and interface libraries are produced.  The data files applicable to creation of the DMA 1.0 specification will be preserved in conjunction with the electronic versions of the specification.  This data is usable to recreate the DMA 1.0 specification or an authorized derivative work based on that specification.

8.1.5 Apart from other work informally preserved under the DMAware clearinghouse, such as presentations and training materials, no other materials from the development of the DMA 1.0 specifications and related materials will be preserved as part of DMAware.

8.2 Transfer of DMA 1.0 Materials to Open-Source Development

8.2.1 The interface library that is maintained as part of DMA 1.0 support will be kept as part of the electronic DMA 1.0 specification (8.1.2).   A derivative of this library will be updated and packaged as an open-source software library.  This library consists entirely of definitions of interfaces and supporting data-element values.  The appropriate license statements will be included in the updated package, satisfying the requirements of an open-source DMAware contribution (section 4).

8.2.2 The DMA System Manager will also be repackaged and recreated as an open-source DMAware contribution.  The appropriate license statements will be included in the updated package.  All further work on the reference middleware, including maintenance of this code base, will be carried out as an open-source development project.  Special provisions to coordinate the maintenance of a single implementation for each hardware-software platform on which the System Manager is implemented.  The objective is to provide installation practices and a consistent progressions of versions so that there can always be a single implementation operating on a given computer, shared by all applications and all installed DMA components.

8.2.3 Introduction of derivatives any other DMA 1.0 materials as open-source DMAware contributions will depend upon voluntary contributions by individuals and organizations having the authority to contribute, as specified in section 4.

9.  Implementation and Transition

The DMAware clearinghouse will be populated in accordance with the following provisional task definitions.

9.1 Establish DMA 1.0 Specification Archive

The DMA 1.0 specifications and existing reference software, along with other contributions made during the operation of the Document Management Alliance are reusable by members of the Alliance in accordance with the participation agreement that all DMA members have accepted.  These members have certain rights distinct from the open-source usage of subsequent derivatives.  To provide a clear division between pre-open-source and post-open-source activities, the DMA 1.0 specifications, interface definitions, and contributed software are kept segregated within the clearinghouse.  These materials are available as part of the foundation for subsequent DMAware, but there status is different.

The DMA 1.0 specification, proposed extensions, and reference software are fixed and represent the DMAware base level.  Any derivatives made as part of the open-source activity are separated as supplements or replacements, archived in a distinct way and   identified to avoid any confusion between further open-source development, the DMA 1.0 base, and any independent use based on the DMA 1.0 participation agreement.

9.2 Establish Interface-Definition Archive

9.3 Provide Current DMA System Manager Reference Implementation

9.4 Provide Follow-On Clearinghouse

As contributions become available, extend the clearinghouse to provide for archiving and dissemination of

Upon dissolution of the Document Management Alliance, materials not captured and supported under the DMAware clearinghouse are no long assured to be available.

10. References and Resources

About the Apache HTTP Server Project.  published on the web at  Apache Software Foundation (Forest Hill, MD: February, 1999).
[GNU Software]
Software.  1999 November 6 update published on the web at  Free Software Foundation (Boston, MA: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999).  This useful catalog of GNU and related software, some under GPL, some available under other terms, provides an useful sketch of the reach of the GNU effort.  It shows the kinds of information that a clearinghouse can provide around a focused open-source effort.
The GNU General Public License. version 2, June 1991.  An OSI approved license published on the web at  Free Software Foundation (Boston, MA: 1989, 1991).
The GNU Lesser General Public License.  version 2.1, January 1999.  An OSI approved license published on the web at  Free Software Foundation (Boston, MA: 1991, 1999).
The Open Source Definition.  Version 1.7 published on the web at  Open Source Initiative.  A key definition of the qualities of an open-source license and the terms and conditions that apply to software that is approved as open-source certified.
Open Source Initiative. web site at  Open Source Initiative (California: 1999).
The OSI Certification Mark and Program. published on the web at  Open Source Initiative (California: 1999).  OSI has developed a two-step certification process.  A license is reviewed for conforming to the Open Source Definition and then approved.  Distributions of software under that approved license may be identified as OSI Certified Open Source, using the OSI Certification Mark.  A number of open-source licenses are already OSI approved, including the GPL and LGPL.
Harvey, Joan (ed.).  Open Source: An Introduction to the new programming paradigm.  TechRepublic White Paper.  TechRepublic (Louisville, KY: October, 1999).  published on the web at  This is a comprehensive survey of the open-source movement, with analysis of the importance for information technology organizations.  Pros and cons on the use of open-source development within an enterprise are presented.

to Top of Document


The following people contributed to the development of this document:

, AIIM International
reviewer; contributed leads to additional references and sources
, DMA Technical Committee Chair, InfoNuovo
editor; principal author
, DMA Advisory Council Chair, Xerox Corporation
reviewer, clarifications for sections 8 and 9
, DMA TC Asia-Japan Vice-Chair, Ricoh Company, Ltd.
reviewer, discussion of derivative-work constraints in section 3.2
, DMA TC North American Vice-Chair, Xerox Corporation
reviewer, clarification of difference between DMA 1.0 and open-source DMAware, clarifying whether the DMA 1.0 specifications can be changed or revised (sections 8 and 9), examples for components, keeping project management light-weight, clarification of introductory paragraph
, FileNET Corporation
reviewer, clarification of System Manager support requirements and tightening of nomenclature around "middleware."

Change History

draft 0.02 1999-11-23-14:42 pst (-0800) by dh
"Change History" section added.
references "to Top of Document" corrected to be internal shortcuts and not web site references.
Section 3.2 (3) updated to include requirement for deposit of derivative works and section 3.2 (2) revised to allow access to source code to be satisfied by reference to the deposited copy.
Remembered to run the FrontPage 98 spelling checker.
"Contributors" section added.
Changed titles in the References sections to also be hyperlinks to the sources, even though these may not be presented correctly on conversion to versions of Microsoft Word older than Word 97.  The references were revised to provide hyperlinks for all web-published materials and sources.
Removed dates from section 9 and replaced section with a simple road map.  Clarified the separation between DMA 1.0 material and subsequent open-source materials.
Copyright retention by AIIM is relaxed for material which is contributed under existing copyright, so long as the material is OSI-certified.
Added more examples and cases for libraries and components in section 3.
Affirmed that project management is intended to be light-weight, applies beyond initial contribution, and is more like having bylaws for a club
Left open determination of whether or not derivative works must be redistributed under the same conditions (section 3.2 (3)).
Provided more motivation for the purpose of library and component licenses separate from a general software license.
Emphasized the special status of the DMA System Manager and the importance of having all applications and components installed on a computer be able to rely on a single, shared system-manager copy.
Completed sections 1 and 2.
Minor adjustments between the Word and HTML versions.
draft 0.01 1999-11-10-12:00 pst (-0800) by dh
Initial draft circulated for review and comment among DMA officers and key contributors

$$Author: Admin $
$$Date: 03-03-03 16:20 $
$$Revision: 13 $

to Top of Document

End of Document