/BlunderDome/clueless |
A running job jar of ideas and notes on the construction of the BlunderDome/clueless section of Orcmid's Lair.
Status |
Date |
Description |
2006-04-23 | Synchronize and backup the Professor von Clueless blog | |
2006-02-16 | Get the technorati updating to work and see if the nfocentrale.net domain is the best one to use. | |
2006-02-16 | Block off 2004 from updating by Blogger. Figure out what to do about older archive pages. It would be great to move them into their years. | |
2004-11-28 | Add the rating information to the privacy statement about deviations and use of a third party service. | |
2004-10-04 | Version this page so all of the completed items can be rolled onto an archive version. | |
2004-10-03 | There's a bug where <small> in effect at the end of an article propagates into the comment division. Figure this out. | |
2004-08-31 | Figure out why and how the current Blogger Editor mangles my straightforward HTML that I paste from an already-working web page. Sheesh. [dh:2004-10-03 I found out it has to do with the insertion of <br /> where there are line breaks in the pasted HTML. This is especially bad where there is a line break within a tag! This is to be handled with an incident report.] | |
2004-06-17 | Make an article about the backward synchronization process: block checkout, move back, check in, add in, share. [dh:2004-09-01,10-03 I call it push-pull click-click in honor of the 1962 Computer Sciences Corporation team on the Univac III, one of whom used it in a comment in the Meta-Assembler code. It is of course from a television commercial and radio jingle for safety razors]. | |
2004-06-17 | Make an article about creating a blogger site before setting up an FTP version: FTP to image to site | |
done | 2006-04-23 | Extend folders through 2006/05 |
done | 2006-02-16 | Customize the index.htm for 2005/10 |
done | 2006-02-16 | Customize the index.htm for 2005/11 |
done | 2006-02-16 | Customize the index.htm for 2005/12 |
done | 2006-02-16 | Customize the index.htm for 2006/01 |
done | 2006-02-16 | Customize an index.htm for 2006/02. |
done | 2006-02-16 | Make the 2006/02 blog folder |
done | 2006-02-16 | Correct the blog template to have the technorati embed and also a visible hard hat logo. |
done | 2004-11-28 | Fix the centering of the status link in the template and add in the NewsGator Online rating block. |
done 2004-10-04 |
2004-10-03 | Propagate comments improvements back to Orcmid's Lair |
done | 2004-10-03 | Should the construction history block link to the template? I think so. |
done | 2004-10-03 | Correct the post archive index.htm pages that have obsolete links and titles: 2004/09, 08, 07, 06 |
done | 2004-10-03 | Clean up spacing and layout for comments |
done | 2004-10-03 | Archive the public site on the development image, IIS, and VSS. |
done | 2004-10-03 | Create the October 2004 folder in preparation for a fresh backup |
done | 2004-10-03 | Post a new article to Professor von Clueless to propogate the new template - did an update |
done | 2004-10-03 | Go through the Orcmid's Lair template and update the Clueless template to have status, privacy, and contact links, spacing out of associated links, correcting the Orcmid's Lair link, and fixing the bottom block to match the current Orcmid approach. |
done | 2004-09-01 | Switch von Clueless to a template based on the latest one from Numbering Peano. This will handle my angst with regard to the hairy Rounders template that I chose, and it will solve the still-open 06-17 items too. |
abandoned 2004-09-01 |
2004-06-26 | The Rounders 2 template that I just switched to uses grey inside of block quotes. That doesn't work. Find a way to get normal type back (like, borrow it from Rounders 3?). Capture this as a coherency issue, since it has to do with making a semantics assumption about a syntactic feature. I will have to make more job jar and research that more carefully. Look into it. [dh:2004-09-01 I am going to bypass this problem by changing templates. This topic will be part of a rant on the silly idea of semantic markup for layout.] |
done 2004-09-01 |
2004-06-17 | Take the archive list and the Recent Posts lists from the Wingnut template and put them onto Numbering Peano. |
done 2004-09-01 |
2004-06-17 | Can cross-link between Professor Clueless and Wingnut. |
done 2004-09-01 |
2004-06-17 | For allied sites, list Professor Clueless in Orcmid's Lair and Numbering Peano. Do not list Wingnut there. |
abandoned 2004-08-31 |
2004-08-30 | Move the link column to the left of the page from the right so that the right column can go as wide as it is allowed to. [dh:2004-08-31 I tried that and it just didn't work very well. This is a problem with style sheets or something else. I have a plan to remedy this.] |
done 2004-08-31 |
2004-08-30 | Resume posting as appropriate. Then start looking at what the next clean-up projects might be. |
done 2004-08-31 |
2004-08-30 | Recover the clueless template to default.asp.template.txt and and then edit it in jEdit or something where it can be kept clean and also validated. See how this was done for orcmid/blog |
done 2004-08-31 |
2004-08-30 | 14. Make new clueless/2004/ post message directories and put index.htm pages in them. |
done 2004-09-01 |
2004-08-30 | 13. Do a backup of the hosted site to the development site on compagno |
done 2004-08-31 |
2004-08-30 | 12. Update the Site Status page to reflect that von Clueless is operating (or not) and the Live Test is completed. |
done 2004-08-31 |
2004-08-30 | 11. Send the test posting and confirm that everything is working. |
done 2004-08-31 |
2004-08-30 | 10. Generate a test posting. It should be a new all-clear message, just in case earlier ones weren't seen! |
done 2004-08-31 |
2004-08-30 | 9. Enable blogger.com posting to von Clueless by setting user permissions at nfoCentrale. |
done 2004-08-31 |
2004-08-30 |
8. After the standby message has been fed, update the feed to
include the "all clear" message and update the site so that
the standby message is replaced. a. Update the standby master to the next number (#2) b. Update the all-clear to the next number (#1) c. Post the all-clear to the atom feed. |
done 2004-08-31 |
2004-08-30 | 7. When the caution message has been there for about 30 minutes, do the slamdown and confirm that it is detected. |
done 2004-08-31 |
2004-08-30 | 6. When we're ready to test the slamdown within an hour of the message, insert the "caution" message into the feed and make corrections needed until it takes. |
done 2004-08-31 |
2004-08-30 | 5. Create a source for the "all clear" message that can be used in the lair-atom feed. |
done 2004-08-31 |
2004-08-30 | 4. Create a source for the "caution" message that can be used in the lair-atom feed. |
done | 2004-08-30 | 5.5 Start by confirming that the "all clear" 0 message works, and put out a surprise all-clear feed. This way, we know the ending process works (it just happens that there was no preceding caution message, but now we can always make an all-clear). |
done | 2004-08-30 | 3. Create a lair-atom.standby.xml message that can be used to indicate when an incident has been detected and we are in early incident-response state. |
done | 2004-08-30 | 2. Test standby, quarantine, and firedrill slamdown and confirm. Leave the firedrill announcement there. It will be removed by successful posting of a new default page from Blogger. |
done 2004-08-30 |
2004-08-30 | 1.3 Make BlunderDome/C040801 as holder for the feed testing and slamdown materials. Record it in the construction catalog but manage it in BlunderDome. |
done 2004-08-30 |
2004-08-30 | 1. Make default.firedrill.asp, default.quarantine.asp, and default.standby.asp pages for Orcmid's Lair. |
done 2004-08-30 |
2004-08-29 | Review the Orcmid's Lair preparation procedure and adapt a slightly stream-lined one here. (We can use the existing C000010, but we need our own version of C000011.) |
done 2004-08-01 |
2004-07-31 | Create 2004/08 with an index in anticipation of switching to a new posting archive tomorrow. |
done 2004-08-01 |
2004-07-31 | Create an index in 2004/07 to hold the space for resumption of operation |
repaired | 2004-06-26 | There's an incorrect link to the previous installment from the "Do We Have a Firewall or a Development Web?" entry |
done 2004-06-26 |
2004-06-17 | Get Atom feeds working |
done | 2004-06-17 | Populate 2004/06 with construction structures based on the ones in /blog/ |
done | 2004-06-17 | Mirror the site content into the site image and share that into the development site. |
done | 2004-06-17 | I badly need to have Wingnut running, so that I can document the changes and mucking about. That applies to additions that are not about content here, or overall organization, but the care and feeding of the individual pages. |
done | 2004-06-16 | Have the inaugural entry provide an "explanation" for how this Blog is named, its achievement of clueless, and how it will be used. |
done | 2004-06-16 | Copy down the settings for Numbering Peano and create a Blogger site for Professor von Clueless in the Blunder Dome. |
done | 2004-06-16 | Use the bCentral administration interface to grant user "blogger" write privileges to clueless. |
done | 2004-06-16 | Publish this update to nfoCentrale.net/orcmid and confirm that it is established. |
done | 2004-06-16 | Create this minimal Construction Zone for BlunderDome/clueless. |
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created 2004-06-16-14:07 -0700 (pdt) by orcmid