DMware Project

?P010100: WebDAV Property Registration?

Version 0.30 Last updated 2002-10-15-17:24 -0700 (pdt)

Type: WebDAV Recommended Practice Project ID: P010100
Style: Ad hoc Bootstrap Status: Underway
  1. IETF Informational RFC that provides a standard practice for registration of properties defined for use with WebDAV
  2. Implementation of RFC and establishment of an on-going registration activity.
  3. Engagement of AIIM constituency on behalf of an IETF effort important to support of managed documents on the Web
  4. Contribution of metadata experience from the document-management community to the strengthening of WebDAV
Related information/projects:
1. AIIM Standards Project Proposal
2. IETF rfc 2518 WebDAV
3. IETF rfc 2026, The Internet Standards Process
Assigned To: Dennis E. Hamilton Defined By:?
Dennis Hamilton (2001-01-31)
Date Opened: 2001-01-31 Date Completed: none

1. Requirements

2. Constraints

3. Activities

1. Requirements (2001-01-31):

1.1 Problem Setting

The WebDAV specification, IETF RFC 2518, provides a mechanism for the open-ended, decentralized introduction of properties using XML and XML namespaces.

There is no defined mechanism for registering and interchanging the definitions of properties so that participants in WebDAV-based document creation, access, and interchange may comprehend and honor the definitions of properties associated with WebDAV resources (e.g., documents).

1.2 Project Definition

From the IETF WebDAV Working Group Charter:?

Deliverable 6. A Property Registry, describing a process for registering WebDAV properties, and the contents of each registry item. [Informational]

The property registry document is new work.

1.3 Objectives

2. Constraints (2002-10-02)

The project will be conducted as a sub-group of the IETF WebDAV Working Group, with all IETF requirements for conduct of standards work honored (IETF rfc 2026, The Internet Standards Process, rev. 3).??

The project will be integrated into the IETF meeting and public distribution and review structures:

2002-10-28 09:00 -0500 (est) Cutoff for submission of initial (-00) Internet Draft

2002-11-08 17:00 -0500 (est) Cutoff for registration prepayment

2002-11-17 IETF 55, November 17-21, Atlanta, Georgia

2003-03-02 IETF 56, March 2-6 (tentative earliest date)

2003-07-13 IETF 57, July 13-18 (tentative), Vienna, Austria

3. Activities (2001-10-02)

3.1 Timeline

October 7, 2002?
Submit initial WebDAV properties registry requirements document as Internet-Draft.?
October 21, 2002
Submit initial WebDAV properties registry document as Internet-Draft.
November 2002
Conduct on-line discussions and refinements
December 2002
Have trial Property Registration practice in place
January 2003
Review experiences, confirm requirements, and complete definition to match practice
February 2003
Submit revised WebDAV properties registry document as Internet-Draft. Submit to IESG for approval as Informational RFC
April 2003
Report completion at AIIM Conference and launch next projects in the area of Web-DM

3.2 Activity Sketch

By When Activity Status Who?
Define Scope of Activity and Plan Elements
- Include completion at AIIM 2003
- Include provision for follow-on activities in Web-DM and WebDAV application to managed documents
D. Hamilton

The project is complete.? The Property Registration process is in place and operating.? This project has met its requirements.? Any additional follow-on or related work that has opened up in this experience is undertaken as new projects.

By When Activity Status Who?
Define Scope of Activity and Plan Elements
D. Hamilton


By When Activity Status Who?
2002-10-08 Extend Plan and Timeline to Final Requirements Draft Reprioritize 10-14 D. Hamilton
Announce and Circulate Initial Draft
- Use WebDAV Working Group distribution list to forward the project
D. Hamilton
Populate Initial Skeleton
- Use Interop Minutes and Discussion as key source
- Include Application of PropReg template to itself
- Resolve having an interchange format even if content is all user-readable text
- Identify community of interest for property registration - who does it matter to
- For requirements draft: Discuss the levels of question to be answered
- For requirements draft: Discuss activities excluded from the scope
- For requirements draft: Identify related work and interoperability points
- Identify scope constraints with regard to related work
???? o metadata definitions and interchange
???? o Metadata repositories
???? o XML-RPC and SOAP RPC metadata mechanisms
- Identify related standards and development work that this must fit within
?- Identify what is normative and what is informational
2002-10-14 Started D. Hamilton
Adapt Contents from Similar Drafts
- Identify and examine all DAV-related requirements Internet Drafts
2002-10-14 Review of similar requirements drafts D. Hamilton
Have Boilerplate using Word RTF Conversion Process 2002-10-14 with Job Jar for cleanup and documenting D. Hamilton


3.2.4 COMPILE? WebDAV Property Model Materials
By When Activity Status Who?
2002-10-08 Define Scope of Activity and Plan Elements Reprioritize 10-14 D. Hamilton


3.2.5 Identify Applicable Standards & Projects
By When Activity Status Who?
2002-10-07 Define Scope of Activity and Plan Elements Reprioritize 10-14 D. Hamilton


3.2.6 Identify Existing Materials and Discussions
By When Activity Status Who?
Announce availability of Materials
- Use WebDAV Working Group distribution list to forward the project
Reprioritize 10-14 D. Hamilton
2002-10-07 webdav/propreg folder set up for on-going maintenance Reprioritize 10-14 D. Hamilton
2002-10-06 Capture Minutes and Notes on topic Reprioritize 10-14 D. Hamilton
2002-10-05 Identify Relevant WebDAV rfc Elements Reprioritize 10-14 D. Hamilton
2002-10-04 Compile links to DAV list on Properties Reprioritize 10-14 D. Hamilton


3.2.7 Create Joint-Participation Structure
By When Activity Status Who?
Announce Availability of Project Guidelines D. Hamilton
Post Guidelines for AIIM-member participation D. Hamilton
Post Project Information and Key Links on D. Hamilton
Identify Distribution Lists to be Used Q021001 posted 2002-10-07 D. Hamilton


3.2.8 Manage Project
By When Activity Status Who?
2003-04-01 Complete Project ? D. Hamilton
2002-10-07 Introduce Weekly Review and Tracking 10-08 Setup Tracking Chart and repromise D. Hamilton
2002-09-10 Complete Project Definition complete (0.30 draft level) 2002-10-02 D. Hamilton
Provide Materials for Joint WebDAV and AIIM Participant Usage redefined 2002-10-02 D. Hamilton
2001-01-31 Obtain AIIM Approval Complete 2001-04-01 D. Hamilton

3.2.9 Initial Project Setup Activities (Completed 2002-10-02):

  1. Turn activity list into a table for checking off accomplishments?(done 2002-10-02)
  2. Obtain IETF Meeting schedule and look at opportunities for movement to Informational RFC (done 2002-10-01)
  3. Start draft in the IETF template using the Word RTF template (added to tasks, 10-02)
  4. Identify work already done, and correspondence on the topic (added to tasks, 10-02)
  5. Identify community of interest for property registration - who does it matter to (added to tasks, 10-02)
  6. For requirements draft: Discuss the levels of question to be answered (reflected in tasks, 10-02)
  7. For requirements draft: Discuss activities excluded from the scope (reflected in tasks, 10-02)
  8. For requirements draft: Identify related work and interoperability points (reflected in tasks, 10-02)
  9. Identify scope constraints with regard to related work (reflected in tasks, 10-02)
    • Metadata definitions and interchange
    • Metadata repositories
    • XML-RPC and SOAP RPC mechanisms
  10. Identify related standards and development work that this must fit within (reflected in tasks, 10-02)
  11. Identify what is normative and what is informational (reflected in tasks, 10-02)
  12. Use WebDAV Working Group distribution list to forward the project (reflected in tasks, 10-02)
  13. Set up announcements on DMware and provide groundrules for AIIM participants. (reflected in tasks, 10-02)


0.30 2002-09-09 Revise to reflect adjusted activities for conduct of the? work
?Update to make a current project with better definitions of material.
0.20 2002-09-09 Update to match original statement of work.
The original AIIM Standards statement of work is used to capture the original project before making a replacement.
0.10 2002-06-04 create as placeholder for promotion over the web.

created 2002-06-04-16:27 -0700 (pdt) by orcmid
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 02-10-15 17:24 $
$$Revision: 10 $
