DMware Project

?P010100B: WebDAV Property Registration?

Version 0.20 Last updated 2002-09-09-13:09 -0700 (pdt)
The latest version of this Project Description is at P010100.htm

Type: WebDAV Recommended Practice Project ID: P010100
Style: Ad hoc Status: Underway
  1. IETF Informational RFC that provides a standard practice for registration of properties defined for use with WebDAV
  2. Engagement of AIIM constituency on behalf of an IETF effort important to support of managed documents on the Web
  3. Contribution of metadata experience from the document-management community to the strengthening of WebDAV
Related information/projects:
1. AIIM Standards Project Proposal
2. IETF rfc 2518 WebDAV
Assigned To: Dennis E. Hamilton Defined By:?
Dennis Hamilton (2001-01-31)
Date Opened: 2001-01-31 Date Completed: none

1. Requirements (2001-01-31):

1.1 Problem Setting

The WebDAV specification, IETF RFC 2518, provides a mechanism for the open-ended, decentralized introduction of properties using XML and XML namespaces.

There is no defined mechanism for registering and interchanging the definitions of properties so that participants in WebDAV-based document creation, access, and interchange may comprehend and honor the definitions of properties associated with WebDAV resources (e.g., documents).

1.2 Project Definition

From the IETF WebDAV Working Group Charter:?

Deliverable 6. A Property Registry, describing a process for registering WebDAV properties, and the contents of each registry item. [Informational]

The property registry document is new work.

1.3 Objectives

2. Constraints (2001-01-31)

The project will be conducted as a sub-group of the IETF WebDAV Working Group, with all IETF requirements for conduct of standards work honored (IETF rfc 2026, The Internet Standards Process, rev. 3).

3. Activities (2001-01-31)

3.1 Resources

Spring 2001 - 50th IETF
        March 18-23, 2001
        Minneapolis, MN
        Host: Lucent Technologies
Summer 2001 - 51st IETF
	August 5-10, 2001
	London, England
	Host: British Telecom
Fall 2001 - 52nd IETF - TENTATIVE
        December 9-14, 2001
        Salt Lake City, Utah
        Host: Novell

3.2 Timeline

Mar 2001?
Submit initial WebDAV properties registry document as Internet-Draft.?
May 2001
Submit revised WebDAV properties registry document as Internet-Draft. Begin working group last call for comments.?
June 2001
Submit revised WebDAV properties registry document as Internet-Draft. Submit to IESG for approval as Informational RFC.


0.20 2002-09-09 Update to match original statement of work.
The original AIIM Standards statement of work is used to capture the original project before making a replacement.
0.10 2002-06-04 create as placeholder for promotion over the web.

created 2002-06-04-16:27 -0700 (pdt) by orcmid
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 03-05-28 15:10 $
$$Revision: 8 $
