Orcmid's Lair

Viaggio Note V041101 

  Seattle Meet-Up September 15, 2004 


2005-05-02 -16:46 -0700

Not Jerry Garcia
not Jerry Garcia
Dave Winer comes looking for political bloggers and is bemused by the informality of the Seattle Meet-Up

2004 September 15  I am tickled to go to my second meet-up in downtown Seattle after meeting Dave Winer at Scoble's barbecue just after he arrived in Seattle.  It was an interesting time, with the presidential election campaign in full swing.  Dave wanted to create a meeting of political bloggers, which he was able to do later.  We didn't turn out to be the pivotal state that he thought, although we still have an unresolved gubernatorial election in May, 2005.



Kristi Heim, a Seattle Times reporter, showed up with a photographer later.  She asked some great questions about whether and how local bloggers engage local issues.  Later, she gets a great article above the fold on the front page, with a nice column about Dave too.


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created 2005-05-02 -0700 (pdt) by orcmid
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 05-05-02 16:47 $
$$Revision: 5 $
