Orcmid's Lair

Incident Report X040705
Compagno Attack Surface


0.00 2004-07-28 -17:48 -0700

Category: Security - Unmanaged Incident ID: X040705
Priority: 7 - Serious Status: To be investigated
Subject: Centrale Compagno System Repaired in: ?.??
Assigned To: Dennis Hamilton Reported By: 
Dennis Hamilton (2004-07-27)
Date Opened: 2004-07-28 Date Closed: none

Summary (2004-07-28):

There is no identification of the Compagno attack surface and a relevant threat analysis.  Although some countermeasures are in place, I am lacking a systematic analysis and a plan for maintaining it as part of ongoing risk management.

Remedies (2004-07-28):  


Approach (2004-07-28):

Identify and document the attack surface and progressively add details to it.  Link it to establishment and confirmation of countermeasures and of risk management against attacks and failures.

0.00 2004-07-28-13:00 Create Placeholder for Attack Surface Analysis
Provide enough so that the development of a complete attack surface identification and basis for risk management of vulnerabilities to failures and exploits.  There is an initial job jar and some captured material.

Construction Zone (Hard Hat Area)

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created 2004-07-28-13:00 -0700 (pdt) by orcmid
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 05-02-11 16:48 $
$$Revision: 6 $
