Orcmid's Lair

Incident Report X040704
Visio Image Rendering


0.00 2004-07-24 -12:31 -0700

Category: Functionality - Incoherence Incident ID: X040704
Priority: 4 - Important Status: To be investigated
Subject: Visio 2000 SR1 (6.0.2072) Repaired in: ?.??
Assigned To: Dennis Hamilton Reported By: 
Dennis Hamilton (2004-07-24)
Date Opened: 2004-07-24 Date Closed: none

Summary (2004-07-24):

Images in Visio when saved directly as raster images often show dramatic discrepencies with the WYSIWYG presentation of the VSD form.  This includes strange losses from material that is already in raster-image format.

Remedies (2004-07-24):  

Sometimes I can obtain better results by using the clipboard to take the Visio drawing into Microsoft Word as an image, saving the Word Document as HTML, and scarfing up the GIF that Word produces.  This can be far more successful than saving directly from Visio as a GIF or as a (my preference) PNG.

Analysis (2004-07-24):

Provide steps on the actions taken.

2004-07-24 Capture demonstration of how this arose in creating an invalidAtom.png from the validAtom.png from the validator site.
2004-07-24 Capture enough for confirmation so that the work on the Blogger FTP Corruption can continue. 

Complete the analysis and updating of notes later.

0.00 2004-07-24-11:06 Create Placeholder for Incident Identification and Analysis
Provide enough so that there is an appropriate permanent location for confirmation and further analysis.  There is an initial job jar and an initial demonstration case.

Construction Zone (Hard Hat Area)

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created 2004-07-24-11:06 -0700 (pdt) by orcmid
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 04-08-22 11:03 $
$$Revision: 6 $
