Orcmid's Lair

Anchor Site Dependencies


2003-08-03-14:40 -0700

The catalog of all dependencies of this physical Orcmid's Lair mirror on its anchor site. 

Every centrale site is designed to operate underneath an "anchor site."  The anchor site is a physical hosting site. It might be the root directory of a CD-ROM. It might be the IIS 5.1 development site on compagno, the development laptop.  It might be the physical hosting site at nfocentrale.net.   The domain, http://orcmid.com, is redirected to the proper location within a web-hosting anchor site.  

The web pages for Orcmid's Lair are developed in a way where there is no dependency on any specific anchor site.  At the same time, all linkages among Millennia Antica pages are constructed in a way that presumes there is an anchor site just above the folder in which the Millennia Antica pages reside.

The following are the explicit dependencies on the existence of an anchor site.



The Hard Hat Area image on Orcmid's Lair orcmid/construction/construction.htm refers to the anchor site construction section via href="../../construction/".   This presumes that the anchor site has a construction folder at the same level as orcmid and that can be reached by relative link. n/a
There are relative links of the form "/orcmid/..." that depend on being rooted as a folder of an anchor site.  Those links are part of the construction structure material and will be documented further.  An example of such a link is "/orcmid/" or any other relative link beginning with "/orcmid/".  All of the links of this kind are in FrontPage include pages in this /construction section. C000003b.htm C000005b.htm
have the images that are part of anchor-relative links.

Construction Shack (Hard Hat Area)


You are navigating
Orcmid's Lair construction material.

created 2003-08-03-14:30 -0700 (pdt) by orcmid
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 04-12-19 8:57 $
$$Revision: 5 $
