Orcmid's Lair



2004-02-09 -08:48 -0800

You've reached /centrale , a web collection of information about organization and operation of the Centrale complex of computer systems.  These computers are used for collaborative development and coordination of the nfoCentrale.net family of web sites, including Orcmid's Lair, NuovoDoc, DMware Development, Millennia-Antica, nfoWare and others.  

The Household LAN and overall configuration by which physical operation and connectivity is obtained, including access to wired telephony and broadband service to the Internet
The lap-top computer that maintains the portable existence for all key Centrale elements
The desktop computer that Vicki uses for her business and household affairs and that is one of the components of Centrale.
The Centrale approach to Web presence and Web usage, including tips, resources, and methodologies.

This web page, index.htm, is part of the engineering, construction management, maintenance, and infrastructure of Orcmid's Lair.  It is placed here, as in every section of the site, as a placeholder, initial scaffolding, and temporary "home page" while the section is under construction.  This page also does double duty as the "home page" for the section until a nicely-decorative version is provided instead.  That might not be for a long time.  

You are welcome to explore this and other construction-information pages.   You'll need your hard hat and safety shoes.

Construction Shack (Hard Hat Area)


You are navigating the 
Orcmid's Lair construction structure.

created 2002-18-19-22:05 -0700 (pdt) by orcmid
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 05-03-05 11:56 $
$$Revision: 19 $
