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2003-12-20CQM Journal On-Line- Using the Methods of Fernando Flores. Here's an interview with Jack Reilly on his introduction of conversations for action at IBM. Here's a piece that I want to hold onto: "Mr. Reilly: Yes. That the two parties really understand what will make each other satisfied with the transaction. "I've also learned that trust is only earned through action. Without trust, you're not likely to get an honest expression from people. "Q: What is the essence of these methods? "Mr. Reilly: It starts with the motivation of the individual—for instance, what your motivation is for holding this interview. These motivations get tested in the interchange the parties have. "Next, people have to understand the difference between assessment and assertion [see sidebar at the end of the article]. People often operate on the basis of assessments that they treat as if they were assertions. It's not wrong to hold a set of assessments. However, it is wrong to treat these assessments as if they are the facts of the situation. It's important to get people to understand that there are few hard assertions in business—most action takes place against assessments." 2003-12-19Linux News: From Browser to Platform: Mozilla Rises. This interesting article about Mozilla creating an OS-independent platform also mentions that it hosts XPCOM and can run COM side-by-side with Microsoft COM applications. I want to know more about that. InfoWorld: Sun researchers: Computers do bad math: December 17, 2003: By : Platforms. This is very funny. These researchers should talk to their friends on Java, who have institutionalized (1) IEEE Floating Point without exceptions and (2) modular arithmetic without prospect of bounds checking, as the default, convenient forms of provided arithmetic that everyone is taught to use. Atlantic Unbound | Interviews | 2003.10.22. An interesting interview on the loss of the Space Shuttle Columbia and what it was like to investigate and write about it. The Eight Fallacies of Distributed Computing. Found through a Risks Digest link, a very useful list of erroneous assumptions. Don Norman's jnd.org / user advocacy and human-centered design. Don Norman has a kind-of rant about blaming the user and treating users as idiots in a recent Risks Digest. He provides a link to his web site and so here I am. There is much here to pay attention to, and I shall. This is also an important element of systems coherence, confirmable experience, and trust. 2003-12-18Michael Jackson Software Development. This is the home page for the originator of the Jackson Structured Programming (JSP) methodology. I had forgotten how applicable it was to data-driven behavior, as in the structuring of programs to reflect the structure of the output (a report or a database), and so on. This came up in a winding search for material about and by George Mealy. Documents Published in 1964. This is a list of documents going into the Software Patent Institute database. I don't know if it is to find publications related to patented technology or to find prior art and art that is placed in disclosure bulletins, such as that published by IBM and others. I am here because I am looking up George Mealy because of a request for information one year ago. The connection here is that George is one of the authors of the 1964 second edition of the IPL V Manual (along with Allen Newell, Fred M. Tonge, Edward Feigenbaum, and Bert Green. I don't know what happened to Simon and Shaw at this point). NETSYS.COM - The Intelligent Hacker's Choice - http://www.netsys.com/rfc/rfc610.txtRFC610 - Further Datalanguage Design Concepts. I ran into this looking up George Mealy as the result of a complex chain of events from October 2002. What stopped me here is that I know two of the three authors of this paper, but I didn't know about it at the time! 2003-12-17FT.com | Search | Article. The spies who come in through the keys. A cautionery article about the prospects for invasive behavior through keystroke loggers and other capture mechanisms.