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2003-08-30CiSE: Scientific Programming. Why Johny Can't Build is about the problem of developing scientific software for portability. This nicely lengthy ramble on the problem raises the spectre of incoherence and how it works in the midst of toolcraft that appears to be standardized and is not -- to the degree needed for portability to work. This becomes a coherence issue because the parties on both sides of a transfer are unaware of the problem. Rise of the machines. This intriguing link, from ACM TechNet, discusses the barriers to working with automated systems, the prospect that knowledge work will become automated, and the sense of even the technology-comfortable that newer technologies are too complicated. Yes, indeed. 2003-08-29Failure Is Always an Option. A sober op-ed piece by Henry Petroski that I need to add to my bibliography on Software Engineering and Computer Milieu. Petroski, Henry. Failure Is Always an Option. Editorial. The New York Times, August 29, 2003. On the Web. Document ProcessingXML TechnologyThis is the subject of the Web Applications course I am currently taking.Information about DTD and XML SchemaThe descriptions of DTD and its role relative to XML Schema is pretty amusing in our hype-laden text book. I found a great application for DTD in conjunction with XML Schema and I have documented some of my experiences on a student page: Orcmid's Spot DTD+Schema Notes. Here are some links that came up in the class lesson and discussions.HTML Unleashed. The Emergence of XML: XML DTDs and Valid XML Documents - webreference.com. This HTML Unleashed sample chapter is one of the nicest descriptions, with great civility. I must remember to cite this valuable chapter on the emergence of XML. XML DTD Tutorial. Yet-another-DTD-Tutorial. This seems a little skimpy and appears to be the same as the first one in this blog. DTD Tutorial Another DTD Tutorial. This seems to be more thorough, but it also finesses the internal-external subset distinction. Programming Systems and LanguagesFunctional ProgrammingIdeas to Remember for MiserArc Lessons. While looking over Paul Graham's site for information on spam filtering, I checked in on the status of Arc, his programming language. Although I am taking quite a different approach with Miser (the mechanism) and Frugal (the development-language front-end), I like the way Paul looks at things. In particular, I find that I concur with all of his lessons. I will even think about writing fn.x instead of lambda.x just to help with the indenting problem and preference for shorter names. Of course, λ.x would be even better, and we are not far from that day.Computing MilieuCyberSpaceDealing with SpamA Plan for Spam - In Scheme. Provides a worked example that might be valuable as a point of departure.CRM114. Billed as a Controllable Regex Mutilator (CRM), this filter is useful in a wide variety of filtering situations, such as review of log files, performing other operations on interesting data. That makes it a handy and interesting too. Plan for Spam FAQ. Here is a FAQ on Paul Graham's efforts, available resources, and more nice tips on heuristic experience. Filters that Fight Back. Paul Graham has been creating some useful self-customizable Bayesian-learning anti-spam filters. I am on a search for more about that. Here's an article about ways to check for spam by a kind of link tracing and also causing load on the spammer's server. Programming Systems and LanguagesObject-Oriented ProgrammingJava Inside-OutUB Reporter: What's in your technology survival kit?. This is a cool service of the University at Buffalo. This is the kind of thing that I want to provide as part of Java Inside-Out, though it may involve showing people how to put together their own Java developer survival kit, including what's needed to master command-line operation, use other tools, etc. A great reminder for me. I want the DMware CD-ROM to provide similar capability for folks involved in document processing and document management.Document ProcessingDigital PreservationTechnewsWorld: Upgrade and Archive -- The Ongoing Threat of Data Extinction. A good look at the risk that is faced with data archives becoming inaccessible because of changes in media, software, and platforms.Programming Systems and LanguagesObject-Oriented ProgrammingJava Inside-OutStrike Up the Band: An Electronic Accompanist Jumps In, Here's more to think about and gather information on for Situating Java.Computer MilieuLiving Together in CyberspaceSoftware Security and VirusesABCNEWS.com : New Software Self-Defends From Viruses. Additional coverage on the virus situation, what can be done to diminish risk and also the ongoing vulnerability to social engineering. I want ways to be in control of my own safeguards. The fundamental trust issues are not being deal with in a transparent way by vendors in this area, from Microsoft on Down [I say].washingtonpost.com: Fight Against Viruses May Move to Servers. This article predicts that server systems will be used to provide virus detect, since the ability to operate a powerful anti-virus systems exceeds the capacity of most desktop systems. However that will play out, the article also points out the difficulties that the current state of software presents us with. 2003-08-27Document ProcessingXML TechnologiesWeb ApplicationsWelcome to the TEI Website. This link from classmate Cathalina Fontenelle is for the Text Encoding Initiative. This is a very comprehensive program for preservation of literary works in all languages in a way where the text will remain processable in the foreseeable future.XML Matters: Comparing W3C XML Schemas and Document Type Definitions (DTDs). A nice link offered by classmate Cathalina Fontenelle. 2003-08-26W3C XML Schema: DOs and DON'Ts. Here is a nice link from classmate Felix Wu. These are all very useful ways to keep employment of XML Schema simple. 2003-08-25W3Schools Online Web Tutorials. Here's the main page. The official statement of Ockham's razor is here. It is very apt when people project so much onto XML: "Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything." The W3C MarkUp Validation Service. This is a great validation service, but it doesn't do Schema validation of XML documents. XSD Schema Validator. For any document that I send to this on-line Schema Validator, I am told the root element can't be found. It sounds like a parser bug is derailing them, since other quite-strict validators work just fine. XML Schema (REC (20010502) version) Checking Service (BETA TEST). This validator works properly with my valid schema test document and one with a schema error. I believe that this one also does DTD validation at the same time. I need to double check that. So far, this is the only one that works. XML well-formedness checker and validator. This well-formedness checker seems to provide correct DTD validation. It does not do schema validation on my test document. STG XML Validation Form. I have a simple XML file that uses an external DTD and an external VSD and that is valid (I also have one with an error in it so I can tell that the schema validation is actually happening). I have run into an interesting set of complications. On this site, when I submit the URI, the validation fails because the site does not know how to resolve the SYSTEM and valid URL for a DTD file on a reachable server. 2003-08-24XML tutorial: Problems with DTD. This nice link from classmate Marco provides a good thumbnail of what you don't get with DTDs for XML.