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2002-11-16.Net and CLSI am very keen on the .NET Framework and the ECMA Common Language Specification. I don't know exactly how to appreciate the Shared-Source implementations, because of their prohibitions on commercial use, but I continue to collect pointers in the meantime.Shared-Source and Independent CLI implementationsThe MSDN site mentions the possibility of inspection of the shared-source or operation of it as part of separate CLI implementations. I am not clear what that signifies, but I have followed some of the links that are provided.University of Pisa discussion listsThere is discussion of the shared-source CLI on a list operated out of the University of Pisa. I am intrigued.mailserver.di.unipi.it Mailing Lists. Other mailing lists, some of which are on software and software research topics of interest at the Univeristy of Pisa. Dotnet-sscli Info Page. Microsoft's MSDN page is promoting the Shared-Source CLI, the source-available implementation of the ECMA CLI and C# specifications. One recommended link is to here, the SSCLI Research List at the University of Pisa. Well, I am always attentive to mentions of Pisa and of CNR Pisa, etc. So, I am holding onto this. Loose EndsHere are some items on pottery for Millennia-Antica review.eBay Listings : Pottery & China. And here are objects of pottery and china for sale. eBay Listings : Ceramics, Pottery Making. Checking out what is supported in regard to pottery on eBay. Here there are items related to pottery making as an activity. Being and LanguageGeneral SemanticsThe Aims and Tasks of General Semantics: Implications of the Time-Binding Theory. Ah, the Hayakawa article refers back to Korzybyski: "The ability of human beings to accumulate and add to their information and knowledge and techniques from generation to generation, so that each generation starts where the last generation left off, Korzybski calls the time-binding capacity." The distinction of time-binding is an interesting one that I have seen taken up elsewhere. I should tie the two together.International Society for General Semantics. Hmm, I got here tracing a thread on a discussion list devoted to Robert Heinlein. I thought maybe I would find out more about Korsybyski (sorry about the poor spelling). Not exactly. But S. I. Hayakawa showed up. Loose EndsASIST: American Society for Information Science and Technology. I just received a survey that wanted to know how much I knew about this organization and its journal. It looks like one more society that I could join, but I am not sure that I would join. But it is closer than all of the promotional mail I receive from the American Institue of Aeronautics and Astronautics, evidently as a consequence of rejoining the IEEE Computer Society earlier this year.Microsoft Product Documentation. Hmm, one of the things that I find remarkable about Microsoft products is that I can't tell what the specified behavior is. I don't know what difference this will make, but I am going to give it a quick look. Bright-Crayon, LLC. I had seen Bright-Crayon as part of a different exploration. Then I saw George Flanagan speak about anti-patterns at the OOPSLA 2002 workshop on Behavioral Semantics. Hmm... Inxight StarView. This is an application of StarView, via an applet, that shows a particular visualization of the inXight web site. It is appealing, and the sort of thing I recall being developed as products by Inxight. I noticed two problems. On double-clicking a topic to get to text -- an actual web page, I lost the star view. On using the back button to return to the map page, I lost my context. I got a home-centered view rather than the view I had developed that I launched from. While all understandable for use of an applet and web navigation, it doesn't demonstrate well what I think is the point of this technology: maintenance of context in all explorations and navigations. I suspect there is room here for something creative. Welcome to Inxight Software, Inc.. This is an announcement of a Web Seminar on Unstructured Data Management (UDM): What Does it Take. The topics are intriguing. I think of Inxight as a builder of visualization software, so it is interesting to see this direction toward finding a market. To be explored further. 2002-11-15CoWorking. A particular approach to collaboration that I have not explored. Based on some items from the yahoo group, I might not keep watching long enought to do that. 9th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security. Where the workshop on Digital Rights Management was held. There are other workshops and this main program. Computing Moving From Innovation to Legislation. An interview with Gene Spafford. Relates to trustworthiness and, in an important sense, the question of whose side software is on. The Case for Institutional Repositories: A SPARC Position Paper. The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) weighs in on the case for institutional repositories. The impact on the different stakeholders in the current system is assessed. Institutional Repositories: Partnering with Faculty to Enhance Scholarly Communication. My attention was drawn to institutional repositories in a presenttion that Clifford Lynch made at an eLibrary symposium yesterday. It seems to me that this is all matter-of-fact and "of course," and I understand that it isn't like that. One of the issues, and we get to watch the MIT-HP DSpace combination for this, is with the requirement for some sort of sustaining support in perpetuity. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. ACM: Ubiquity - E-Commerce Security Measures: Are They Worth It?. A new ubiquity article. I am not sure what to make of this. It does provide a cataloging of threats and trust points that may be eye-opening. Something to examine more closely. DRM 2002 Program. Here are the papers. Not sure what matters here the most in terms of anything I am working on. I care about this in terms of trust and authentication, but I don't think I will be doing anything where protection of IP for media isn't already handled by means I don't pay attention to. Some of the problems with key protection may matter, though. 2002 ACM Workshop on Digital Rights Management. Not sure what to make of all of this. There is some language here, such as "Darknet" that will certainly enter the popular language about cyberspace very quickly. Madonna.com. It's all Vlad's fault. Well, there is the notion of entertainment and technology mixes, and a few sample sites are offered up. Ya, well, ok, I like Madonna. I'll find something else for balance. 2002-11-13Open Hyperdocument SystemsHere are some gleanings on OHSBootstrap Alliance and Doug EnglebartCore materials related to Doug Engelbart's Augmentation and OHS VisionsKey materialsToward High-Performance Organizations: A Strategic Role for Groupware. June 1992, another core paper in the work on Augmentation and creation of an Open Hyperdocument System (OHS).Engelbart: Augmenting Human Intellect (1962). Considered the seminal paper on Englebart's vision and approach to augmentation. Bootstrap Alliance : Engelbart : Publications. Lists 33 articles that are available in HTML beside the few I have blogged this morning. BA Tech - OHS Framework. Bootstrap Alliance Technology Template Project. 1998-01-28. Looks at design criteria so that Web-based systems can satisfy the requirements for an OHS. Collaboration Support Provisions in AUGMENT. Dated 1983-10-25, this is a paper by Englebart on AUGMENT principles and functions. Enhanced A2H - Moving AUGMENT Files into HTML A companion to the HyperScope requirements (the OHS Project Plan) on usiing the Web. Draft OHS Project Plan. I am on my way to Vancouver, BC, today, and will hear Doug Englebart speak at an eLibrary workshop tomorrow. I thought I had better look at the OHS (Open Hyperdocument System) papers before that, as a promise to myself to be informed about this concept. I see already that I need to look at HyperScope for enhancement of legacy systems, too. Architecture and Software EngineeringI am doing some web gleaning for materials and links.IEEE Computer Society PublicationsI can bring these clippings to my laptop while I am traveling and maybe do some more organization work for my web site (off of the blob).IEEE Software MagazineIEEE Software,September/October 2002 (Vol. 19, No. 5). This is a special issue on Education of Software Professionals. I need to take another look.IEEE Transactions Software Engineering Archives. I have reviewed from October 2002 back through January 2001. This is a placeholder reminding me to look through the issues farther back. 2002-11-12Loose EndsWandering from a note on PKI to a look at Rami Marelly and David Harel work that I picked up on in the OOPSLA 2002 companion to the proceedings.Prof. David Harel. David Harel's publications list provides more on Play-in/Play-out down around #111, and the paper just before it sounds interesting. Rami Marelly Publications. Publications that include Play-in/Play-out research with David Harel and Hillel Kugler. The Play-in/Playout Approach and Tool: Specifying and Executing Behavioral Requirements. Here is an earlier presentation on the subject. Rami Marelly - PlayEngine Demo. At OOPSLA 2002, There is a demenstration article for the Play-In/Play-Out approach to specifying and executing requirements. This is the demo page. Apache Ant - Ant. Apache Ant is a Java-based build tool. In theory, it is kind of like Make, but without Make's wrinkles. NIST Computer Security Division 893 and CSRC Home Page. The top of the Computer Security Resource Center (CSRC), in the NIST Information Technology Laboratory Computer Security Division (CSD) C S R C - Guidance / Publications / Library. The overall library of the Computer Security Resource Center, with liks to many publications, historical documents, security standards, guides, etc. NIST Computer Security Special Publications. Selection of downloadable documents on security resources. Many useful links. XML.com: Brother, Can You Spare a DIME?.nbsp; I dunno. Here Rich Salz takes a look at Direct Internet Message Encapsulation (DIME), a binary message format. Odd. Cover Pages: [September 28, 2002] Userland Releases RSS 2.0 for Really Simple Syndication. Dave Winer of Userland recently released RSS 2.0, successor to the earlier RSS versions 0.91 and 0.92. This RSS "2.0" represents the Userland fork, with its acronym "Really Simple Syndication." The other fork is the "RDF Site Summary (RSS) 1.0", maintained by a group of developers (RSS-DEV Working Group) who hang out on the RSS-DEV mailing list; according to this RDF-based effort, RSS "is an XML application which conforms to the W3C's RDF Specification and is extensible via XML-namespace and/or RDF based modularization." Authentication Authorisation Accounting ARCHitecture Research Group. An IRTF Research Group.  "A number of Internet Services require Authentication, Authorization, Accounting and Audit Support. The ietf AAA Working Group is chartered with defining short term requirements for a protocol that will support such services for NASREQ and MobileIP. The work of the ietf AAA group has shown that there are a number of areas where a AAA architecture would be helpful." OASIS refers to this group and a number of its RFCs. OASIS - Technical Committees - Security Services TC - SSTC. The SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) 1.0 Specification Set achieved OASIS Standard maturity level on November 5. This page provides general information on this and other work of SSTP. OASIS is a not-for-profit, global consortium that drives the development, convergence and adoption of e-business standards. OASIS PKI Member Section advocates the adoption of Public-Key Infrastructure as a foundation to enable secure e-business transactions. OASIS takes over PKI development - ADTmag.com. PKI will now be included with other OASIS projects involving Web services and security, including Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML), the XML Access Control Markup Language (XACML), the Rights Language, the Service Provisioning Markup Language (SPML) and XML Common Biometric Format (XCBF) and Digital Signature Services (DSS) protocol. Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana / Vatican Library. Digital library to provide access to Vatican collection. Ask Us About...Security October 30, 2001. Describes how to use the ICF (personal firewall) in Windows XP. I don't want to use that one, I want to use another, such as ZoneAlarm (once I get the hang of the by-program customization of it). This page also provides links to other sources that it may be valuable to explore: c|net � http://www.cnet.com ZDNet � http://www.zdnet.com Home PC Firewall Guide � http://www.firewallguide.com Practically Networked � http://www.practicallynetworked.com SpeedGuide � http://www.speedguide.net Also, try searching for "personal firewall reviews" with your favorite search engine. Also: Visit http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/notify.asp and subscribe the Microsoft Security Notification Service. When you receive notice of a security patch ("hotfix") that applies to your computer, install it right away. Unrev, OHS, and Open CollaborationAn expanded set of clippings that lets me clean out my unrev in-box for November. I am looking at open-collaboration open collaboration and wondering how this all fits together. There is some inspiring work at the Open University and I need to get a better grip on what Simon Buckingham Shum and Murray Altheim have to say. And it is clear that I am going to be digging into Java.Some essential clippings on OHS-related materialDanny Ayers's Stuff : Java, XML etc.. "This is the personal site of Danny Ayers and is largely devoted to computer programming related material, though a few other things have crept in." Danny Ayers is the host of the semantic weblog and the originator of Ideagraph. There are many resources on this page.Ideagraph. "Presently just a collection point for links somehow related to the Ideagraph project. They may be obscure..." Semantic Web Blog, featuring RDF. Still fanning out, notice that we are capturing some of the same clippings, perhaps from the same sources (or not). Ideagraph - a Personal Knowledge Manager (PKM). Running out of usefully descriptive names in this space. More for the open community to ponder. Shum on Another mind mapping tool. This is where I began to get excited when I saw how peer-to-peer operations (that is, instant messaging among/with automated participants) could provide for much by way of open collaboration through loosely-coupled federation. This is a pregnant note that I see more in every time I peak at it again. Claimaker knowledge modeling tool from Scholarly Ontologies. The resource page on ClaiMaker. Provides other links to KMI and the Open University where this work is housed. [ba-ohs-talk] ClaiMaker. This fits my idea of the feuding lexicographers situation. It involves a commentary space that can annotate a document's entry in a digital library. I tend not to think of this as an argumentation issue, but it appears that the ClaiMaker approach can be used simply for discussion and annotation whether or not one wants to do argumentation analysis. The generic issue of federating stuff about stuff surfaces here. Thank you, Simon. dynamicobjects spaces. Another emerging Java solution for information management. It is based on peer-to-peer technologies, and that makes it very interesting. Other than that, and its tendency to look like Outlook Express, I know nothing ... SourceForge.net: Project Info - dspace. The project, which is considered to be in a stable/production state. The implementation is in Java. DSpace: Durable Digital Depository: MIT Libraries A repository project, co-sponsored by MIT and Hewlett-Packard, that is intended to provide a federated repository system. Jack Park sees this as a component of OHS, but I am not sure what he is seeing. It is interesting that this is an open-source effort, and perhaps an instance of open-collaboration open collaboration. [ba-ohs-talk] Remember BrowseUp?. This was Jack's reference to tangle. There is an interesting thing about using "Web proxies." The Blogger system is a kind of Web proxy, in that it sits between my client (basically, me using a browser anywhere) and my blog page (on my hosting service). The Blogger system keeps a database of my posts and provides for editing and republishing to my blog page and its accompanying archive. I have seen annoying operational difficulties with this. There are also privacy, security, and trust matters to contend with. Also, what is a boy to do when a basic Blogger subscription is no longer free or goes away. (I notice I never consider that I might go away and what condition would that leave things in.) [ba-ohs-talk] MindMapping, MindManuals. Ah, this synopsis by Gary Johnson is where I first saw the Briefing, Actions, Resources, and Results. What I like about this is that it is not 3 things, the way they usually break down for me! I am always doing beginning-middle-end. This is a different approach that captures some interesting aspects of a task. Yahoo! Groups : CoWorking. The group that Gary Johnson was reviewing for clippings and referals to other goodies. This group started in November 2001 and peaked in December-January. It appears to be dwindling. I wonder what that is about. [ba-ohs-talk] Interesting articles. A set of clippings by Gary L. Johnson. Also provides guidance to another eGroup that may be relevant to work on OHS and what I am beginning to think of as open-collaboration open collaboration. [ba-ohs-talk] XTM vs. XFML and Facet Maps. What got me started today. I didn't find the connection to Murray Altheim on this page, but I managed to do a widening and pick up some interesting links (some below). [ba-ohs-talk] KAON OIModeller. The recommendation for OI modeller and its relationship to TouchGraph. ba-ohs-talk Mailing List Archives. I subscribe to this list on Open Hyperdocument System (OHS) and I forget that this is where much of the mail arises. I should also start using the correct definition for the OHS acronym. ba-unrev-talk Mailing List Archives. List for discussions related to the Bootstrap Alliance and Douglas Engelbart's "Unfinished Revolution," part II. There is a related list on Open Hyperdocument Systems. Computation Theory and Foundation of MathematicsFOM Info Page. FOM, the Foundations of Mathematics list, is a more-serious one than the Yahoo theory-edge and related lists. I need a link to it in a place where I will remember where to find it. I subscribe to lists by e-mail, generally, but there are times I want to scout and blog the archive for conversations I am creating or capturing.Mind Mapping, Mind Manuals, TouchGraph, and Open CollaborationI am starting to speak of open-collaboration open collaboration. I don't know where that came from exactly. It is related to a convergence that I sense.Hasty linkingThis morning I am capturing links (making clippings) as rapidly as I can before getting into my day. This has me inspired to do more and better with all of the material I have in my unrev and OHS e-mail clippings. Here is a place for me to prune the e-mail collections and leave markers here instead. I wonder how well that will actually work.MindManuals Fractal. The basic idea that there is a fractal structure in the drill-down of a mindmanual, where each task, however small, consists of a Briefing, some Resources, some Actions, and some Results. Explained better here. (I have just seen this somewhere else. Maybe this is what was being discussed.) Mindjet - Visual Thinking Software: Order Page. $99 for a home/personal edition, starting at $189 for ones that work with teams. This is not a thorough exploration at all. Visual Project Planning Software from Mindjet. Mind Manuals are apparently developed with Mindjet, though it is not needed to use or manipulate one. It is recommended. Another commercial product, apparently based on mind mapping, but can't be sure. MindManuals.com Home Page. Looking to find out what Mind Manuals are, and how they may fit - commercial product. KAON Ontology and Semantic Web Infrastructure - KAON Ontology and Semantic Web Infrastructure. KAON is an open-source project. Here's the root of it. TG: Touch Graph Development. An important visualization tool being developed on SourceForge. It has been applied, through a refactored implementation, to management of large ontologies. AsTMa [ AsTMa! Language Definition ]. A different site at Bond Unversity that presents Robert Barta's work on Topic Maps and AsTMa. TopicMaps Impressum. Fancy word. Here are the technologies used. I notice we are looking at ".xsp" pages. TopicMaps Weblog. a web site / web log devoted to topic maps (and Knowledge Engineering). At Bond University in Australia. Bridging from blogs to topic mapsOdd how my attention floats over this material. I am interested in more about blogging and I am circled back to look at the OHS connection based on my early-morning look at unrev mail. OK, it is all connected. So, where to start?Guide to ease - blog. Peter Van Dijck's blog on usability and more.. One of the topics is Weblogs and topics / topic maps. There is also useful information on the inspiration for the particular site (built with Movable Type). 2002-11-11Bloggando - la directory blog Italiana. A weblog with categories. Haven't got it exactly figured out. Operating BloggerWorking Through My FirewallI am having difficulty with the Blogger editor on Comagno, the laptop where I keep the development image of my web site. The labtop is protected with Zone Alarm, and the privacy settings are interfering with Blogger usage. Here I complete the experiements to obtain full operability. Now I need to know how much privacy I can put back in and still have that.A short blogger testWell, I entered this much, and posting it without publishing still produces the blank screen behavior. I also see that ZoneAlarm is still inserting its thing in the HTML that comes from blogger.com. I want to interrupt that. I am basically allowing everything now, when the site is www.blogger.com. I am still waiting to see something different happen.OK, that did it. Now it would be good to see what I can prevent once again and still have the page work. I can do this one feature at a time! But not now. Crashing WeirdlyI mentioned that I had a failure to access the Internet, and WSFTP said it couldn't get enough buffers. I also have some weird behavior when accessing the Blogger Editor. I have assumed that it involves my Zone Alarm settings, because I do get warnings that my privacy settings may be interfering with Blogger operation.The symptom is that when I do a post of a new or edited note, with the publish option, the lower part of the screen, the part that shows my posts, the calendar, and the black bar I write about disappears. It just comes up empty, with that part of my window gone to white. Playing with settingsTo see if I can have the Blogger editor work the same as it does on Centro (which does not have a private firewall installed, yet), I do more customization of my Zone Alarm privacy settings for access to the Blogger site. Zone Alarm is still adding its protective code to prevent pop-up ads, and I leave that but set tolerance for more other things that Zone Alarm might be thinking is advertising. After making some more changes like that, I write a fairly long post, the "Adjusting Blogger" one just below. Then I click the Post button, the one with a pushpin as its symbol.Dive, diveSo, the message that comes up while I am waiting for the Post operation to complete is a "VSmon has performed an illegal operation" message. VSmon?Well, I click OK, because what else is there to do, and Compagno shuts down. I mean completely and instantly. Power is shut off. I am having thoughts of trojans, terrorism, who knows what. Powering Compagno back up, Norton Disk Doctor tells me that I have two bad clusters that are allocated but not used. I let Norton reclaim the clusters, saving them in files. Compagno powers up just fine. One more timeWhen I have the system back, I come to the Blogger site and enter the editor. The post I was submitting is there in my list of posts. I clean it up and publish it.Now I am at that same point with this post. Let's see what happens .... Well, the lower screen goes blank as usual, so I press F5 (refresh) and the page comes up. Zone Alarm gives me a privacy settings warning, though I can't see what isn't being loaded. I go in and edit Zone Alarm settings again, thinking that the last ones I made didn't get saved before the system crashed. I am going to publish this much and restart properly. Here goes ... Adjusting BloggerI want to have Blogger working smoothly from Compagno and I also want to reduce the security exposure.Changing Blogger FTP SetupThe first step is to create an FTP password and arrangement where there is minimal damage possible if the FTP password is stolen or abused in some way.Making an ftp-only nfoCentrale.net accountChecking on the administration pages of my hosting service, I see that I have lots of user identifications that I can still issue, so I make up and register one just for use in blogger FTP access to my site. I arrange so that the only permission that my hosting site will allow this particular identification is FTP read-write access to the blog directory and nowhere else.Testing the accountI create a new FTP entry using the just-created account and default paths. I want to test it in WSFTP_32 first.Distraction: No Buffers. The first problem to deal with is that WSFTP says there are no buffers to use and it fails to logon. I try some known-to-be-working FTP-site entries and see that all of them come up with the same message. I try starting my browser and it says it can't get to the Internet. The problem appears to be local to Centrale. So I go over to my router and DSL modem and watch traffic when I perform some Internet operations on Centro. No problem there. I reboot Compagno, which started up funny this morning -- PWS 4.0 crashed on startup -- and the problem disappears. Operation Confirmed. I do some blogger editing of the posts that I accumulated last night and this morning, and the system is able to post properly using the new FTP settings that I give it. Monkeying with archive templatesNow that I am ahead of the game, I decide to monkey with the archive template and get some better formatting of the archive index page that Blogger builds for me.Have you forgotten something? Oh, the template for my archiving was funny looking so I changed it to follow the pattern illustrated in the template guide that comes up when the template is opened for editing. Small mistake. My blog page template inserts the archive index page into a script that it runs to make the archive table on the blog page itself. Now all I get is the word "Archive" and nothing, because my text makes no sense in a script. It isn't something that can be read meaningfully as JavaScript. Looking for a quick save. I try to get back the way things were by following the link to my "default template." Uh, sorry, no such page. I guess I don't have a default template anywhere. And as already established, attempting to go to the discussion area on Blogger fails with a weird XML error message. Now I am really going to have to be creative. I edit my blog page template so that it doesn't do the JavaScript insertion any more. And the word "Archive" I change into a hyperlink that goes to the archive index page. It isn't pretty, but it works. Then I republish the archives so that they all use this same index page. Protecting the BlogNow that the blog is in reasonable shape, I should back it all up again from my host site to my development machine image to my configuration management software. It would be valuable to back up the templates as well and then make an archive index template that produces valid HTML.Computation TheoryStill collecting links. I will cull these into Miser-Theory and elsewhere at some time, but for now I am simply grabbing them. An entry for FOM, the Foundation of Mathematics list, is here.More about theory-edgeTheory-Edge Resources. Bookshelf and some links.Mad Geniuses. Vlad's place on the web, related to theory-edge. Not sure who M.Najtiv (or Vlad Nuri) is. Terminology and Ontology ProjectsSome materials discovered while researching in preparation for the Open Forum on Metadata Registries to be held in Santa Fe.Terminological ResourcesKentLingua's TransCentral - English Terminological Resources. Terminological resources are important in language translation. Here is a large compendium.Institute for Applied Linguistics - Kent State University. Where all that work on translation and information cycles comes from. Information Cycle Standards (Graphics). Many different diagrams on the InfoCycle: Information Feedback for Interactive Multilingual Document Production. Language technology standards. A nice cataloging of standards for content creation and globalization, including terminology. This comes up as part of the Terminology & Ontologies track of the Open Forum on Metadata Registries to be held in Santa Fe, January 20-24, 2003. Security Authentication and AuthorizationI am a student of trustworthy computing. Every so often I will find new and different clippings on the topic.PAM and JAASThe PAM Forum - Download PAM Spec Form. OK, digging myself in deeper. Let's see what this is to download.The PAM Forum - Presence and Availability Management. Hmm, they have a specification for pluggable authorization and authentication, according to a download I just did on JAAS, the Java 2 API. Need to dig deeper. Parliamo ItalianoA few more clippings.Italian language resources on the webSome other information.  I also receive the Language Now! Italian word of the day e-mails. Some of the sample sentences are hilarious. The word for today was "due" (two) and there was this amazing sentence that happened to mention due giorni (two days). Sometimes the translations are not even close to what I would have said in English based on what the Italian is. It keeps me paying attention. This next resource is a little different:about.com Italian Language. A reference provided by fellow students. Nice page.Computational Methodologies and PracticesA segue from computation theory to some other topics, while I happened to be exploring.Aspect-Oriented Programming and Adaptive Programming. This page provides a nice history of the connections developed between AP and AOP. Gregor is now launching a business based on AOP, so those would be other useful links to explore. The idea of "cross-cutting" is described here as developing in the work and correspondence of Cristina Lopes. Demeter: Aspect-Oriented Software Development. Useful compilation of material provided as part ot the Northeastern University work on Demeter. Computer scientists ask "What is ToonTalk?" This came up in a theory-edge exchange on data flow systems or flow-based programming. I am clipping this one because of the discussion of concretization of computational abstractions, something akin to what I have begun to refer to as manifest abstractions. Short Buddy CallConversation with Bill. He went to a workshop about the connection of emotions as evoked by our thoughts, and false feelings that come up. Feeling guilty and being disappointed and sad. Locate yourself in time and space. Rather than be in the past, future, protecting your self-image, etc. He offered to send me some material about it.Comment from Susan: Use cases are almost always about imagined use and not actual use. So then it is all speculative and making attributive claims for which there is no data. Bill flying to DC on 11/17 at 4pm. Preparing a talk. We won't be able to get a call in this coming weekend. Now looking at 11/24 for our next scheduled call. Also interviewing for a permanent position where can do some work in participatory design. Likes who he is working with as a consultant and is willing to look at a permanent relationship. This is a place where they need to create a future while spending 110% of the time running the railroad. I was very happy to hear from Bill. We haven't spoken in a long time. I also want to get more OOPSLA notes posted. I told him how I had this odd feeling of sadness after OOPSLA. Haven't gotten to the bottom of it yet. Computation Theory ResourcesThere are some groups on the web where computation theory and computational complexity topics are addressed. These resources are ones I already know about or follow from their mailing lists. I want to go back into their on-line archives and bookmark (blog) discussions that I want to refer to or build upon.Yahoo! Groups : theory-edge. This is the group that Vlad Nuri operates. It has a relatively large membership (825 today) and has been in operation since 1998. Other than clippings and sightings that Vlad posts, a lot of the lively activity arises when someone decides to be a crank and take on the moderator or is indignant with someone else on the list. (I am one of those cranky types from time to time.) Yahoo! Groups : comp-sci-theory. A group started originally as a study group in computer science theory. This is its second incarnation, adjusting for some technical problems in operation of Yahoo groups. This is an interesting group for people wanting to communicate and study with others interested in the theoretical aspects of computer science. Like the other groups here, there are links to home pages and there are often recommendations of other home pages and resources in the messages. Yahoo! Groups : algorithm-forge. One of the groups on which there is discussion and contributions by people interested in various aspects of computational complexity, including attacks on SAT (that's satisfiability, not the Scholastic Aptitude Test)complexity. A forking of theory-edge by some people who game themselves an alternative to the modus operandi there. My Computational Complexity Web Log -- Lance Fortnow. I owe this link to one of Vlad's sorta breathless posts. It is a nice link, and it is handy to have Vlad's recommendations like these. From: vznuri@earthlink.net Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2002 20:56 To: theory-edge@yahoogroups.com Cc: vznuri@syzygy.synergy.net Subject: [theory-edge] lance fortnow complexity log hi all. lance fortnow is one of the worlds leading complexity theorists after establishing a stellar reputation in about a decade from very cutting edge results. Ive been through some of his papers & mentioned him quite a few times on the list & profiled him. not too long ago he started his own blog & has some interesting tidbits on it. complexity theory tutorial over several weeks. he's very energetic. I hope this is a trend and that many other scientists might start blogging. http://fortnow.com/lance/complog/ and, how about this--maybe eventually in a few years they might even start discussing their research (or even **develop** it) on cyberspace mailing lists. imagine that!!! Parliamo ItalianoVicki and I are learning Italian. We are almost where we could speak Italian at home most of the time if we applied ourselves. Meanwhile, I am always looking for resources where I can practice my Italian.Italian Language BlogsThese blogs are in Italian. Some of them are by techies, so I can practice my Italian-language tech-speak.Brodo Primordiale. é piú elucubrazioninutili - by Blogico. very slow site with lots of missing elements, but a list of Italian blogs. Kfore: "Knowing Convergence". This site has information in Italian and in English. And it focuses on eLearning. Something to explore. 2002-11-10:: w.bloggar ::. This is a blog client of some sort. It is not clear where it fits and how it works, from this page, but it seems worth exploring further. Ides Calendar. This is a calendar that is served up from another site. It is updated automatically, and so on. A possible option to try out. Lithic Calendar. This is the calendar applet that I saw. I like it very much. I need to figure out how to parameterize it, and then I will be in fine shape. Unicode Special SymbolsThere are some character entities and character codes that are needed for presenting mathematical work, even when the demands for symbology are as simple as for Miser. Here are the key symbols to be used.Basic Character EntitiesThese entities are for the standard "first-page" of Unicode, which is available by default.ISO 646 character entitiesThe pure ISO 646 (sometimes called ASCII) characters are encoded in 7 bits, with the high-order bit always 0. Four of these codes can require alternative character entities so that there is no confusion with the markup elements. These entities can be expressed numerically (that is, by the number of their ISO 646 and Unicode UTF-8 code) or as special named entities:
Notice that the code numbers are in decimal. These are sometimes shown with a leading 0, but it doesn't matter. In the table, the actual characters are produced to the right of the character entities using the respective entity forms. ISO 8859-1 Latin-1 supplement character entitiesAlthough HTML is often coded using direct insertion of 8-bit character codes (that is, codes in the range € to ÿ), and these codes are recognized as being in some appropriate character set encoding by browsers, these codes are not safe to use across character-set encoding systems. The safest way to specify those additional characters is with character entities, when defined, and with Unicode numeric codes when not defined.Here are the the codes for the graphical and control extensions that are defined for use with XHTML:
There are additional characters in the range À to ÿ. These are all special forms of letters, and they are most-often used in bibliographic citations and the correct spelling of names (e.g, Gödel). The entity names are systematic (e.g., ö for ö, Ö for Ö, and é for é). These names should be used instead of direct entry of the characters, and they are simple to learn with practice. I have listed, above, only those special symbols of the Latin-1 supplement that may be useful in formulae or adapted to specialized symbolic purposes. Users of Microsoft Windows character sets will recognize that there are additional special characters available within the 8-bit code of the platform. The characters corresponding to these codes are also useful, but the codes are not appropriate to use in what is intended to be UTF-8 encoding for Unicodes. The trick is to find designations in Unicode or at least having defined character entities. ISO 8859-7 and the Greek lettersUnicode provides for Greek and Coptic alphabets as they are used. This goes beyond the typical use of the Greek alphabet in mathematical symbology, so I wil not attempt to portray all of the characters.The unicode table for Greek characters based on ISO 8859-7 begins at U+0370, decimal code position #880. The code block is not fully used. Here are the selections, with their character entity names, that are most-commonly used as mathematical symbols:
There are miscellaneous characters of some possible use at the end of the Unicode Greek block. None of those codes, such as ϕ for a Greek script phi, produced useful character graphics in the display of those in my browser. And none of the character entity names that I guessed accomplished anything either. Additional interesting symbolsThe following symbols are part of a general effort to find other useful goodies in the available Unicode fonts. I don't even have good guesses for entity character names, so I will show the Unicode code as well as the numeric entity code:
There are other Unicodes to try out and see what can be reliably presented. Taming <ob>This is a quick note related to the theoretical structure, <ob> that is fundamental to what I call oMiser.Making Individuals from ObsI have an encapsulation mechanism in <ob> already. The function ob.e(x) determines another ob, y, that in some sense encapsulates x. Speaking operationally, x can be discovered given ob.e(x). ob.e is constructive and predicative.The other characteristic of <ob> is that the functions, Of, allowed in the structure, that is, that can be presumed to be in the set of all functions, (Ob) -> Ob, (Ob, Ob) -> Ob, etc., are well-defined. (This might be a peculiar statement to make, but take it as a meta-observation that the structure does not admit of any such thing as a function that is not well-defined in the simple mathematical sense of "well-defined" and the identity relation on Obs.) Blogging the notationFirst, I have some notational difficulties here. I haven't figured out how to type the Miser-theory notational elements in Blogger. I am going to have to learn the Unicode for characters I want to use. It is time I did that anyhow. I will forego that right now and touch it up later.The function ob.procI have been investigating the consequences of having a function, ob.proc, presumed in Of, that given any Ob whatsoever, will deliver an individual. (In LISP, it would be like generating an atom for any arbitrary S-expression.)The introduction of ob.proc is part of a demonstration of the strong limitations there are on any computational realization (what I call a manifest abstraction in this particular case) of <ob> given the requirement for well-definedness and the preservation of mathematics as we know it. One avenue I want to explore has to do with the identification and differentiation of entities in any successful manifestation of <ob>. I didn't realize that there is also an impact on the well-ordering presumption until just now. That is what has moved me to write something down here. The nature of ob.proc is that if x = y then ob.proc(x) = ob.proc(y). Likewise, if x != y then ob.proc(x) != ob.proc(y). Up to this point the Obs are denumerable, and there is nothing that stands out as a difficulty here. Well-ordering conditionsThe Obs are required to be well-ordered. We may not know what the well-ordering is, but there must be one.The device I used to introduce and enforce well-ordering in the application of <ob>, is to ensure that all individuals (the basic atomic constituents of all Obs) precede any constructed Ob. A constructed Ob, z, is one such that there is an x such that z = ob.e(x) or there are x and y such that z = ob.c(x, y). The other aspect of the well ordering is that when either of those conditions hold, x and y "precede" z in the well ordering. That is, there is no possibility of cycles among Obs nor of any construction having itself or anything that is constructed from itself within its own construction, however far down. This is quite different than rules admitted by computational systems putatively based on something comparable to <ob>. Even in a system as "pure" as Scheme, it is possible to create what appear to be loops in constructions. For oMiser, cycles among Obs are simply not possible and this condition will never be violated. I am not out to prevent state and assignment (memory-updating) operations in Miser systems. I am saying that they are invisible in the part of Miser theory covered by <ob> and oMiser. Now, here's the next piece. To have an applied theory, <ob>, I find the need to say some things about the differentiation of individuals, Obs that are fundamental in constructions. That is, they cannot be taken apart or deconstructed or whatever we want to call it. The way I handle that is by insisting that there is a well-ordering where all individuals precede all constructions. And when I introduce a constant for an individual, such as the individual identifed as ob-NULL, I express the differentiation by saying what known individuals a newly-identified individual precedes or follows in the well-ordering. This gives me the necessary inequality of individuals with respect to each other and with respect to anything constructed using ob.c and ob.e. Well-ordering violated?In proposing the function ob.proc, I was led to some conditions on identity that have to be dealt with in the computational manifestation of <ob>. I had not considered that the definition of ob.proc violates what I thought of as an inviolable companion to the well-ordering condition.By making ob.proc(x) be an individual, it is then necessarily the case, as I have set things up, that op.proc(x) precedes (in the sense determined by a well-ordering) x whenever x is a construction. And If x is itself an individual I have more to be concerned about. In particular, I must deal with the case where x is ob.proc(y) or x (or y) has some ob.proc(z) down in its construction. I am not willing to admit the possibility of cycles via ob.proc or any other presumed-innocent member of Of. More than that, I want the simple equational theory that I use for <ob> to actually have that as a prohibition. I can obtain it as a meta-condition on what can be manifest computationally, but I would prefer to have it expressed in the (applied) theory itself. So, that's where I am. Relying on well-ordering becomes much more difficult, it seems to me, the minute that I have any kind of construction, such as ob.proc(x) that determines an Ob that might precede x or, worse yet, not be different than x (or some constituent of x). Differentiation of individuals. Now, I didn't think I'd have to say anything special with regard to ob.proc(x) being different than any other identified individual. If x and y are provably different, ob.proc(x) and ob.proc(y) are provably different also. I think I can force all the ob.proc-deternined individuals to be provably different from all other individuals that are explicitly identified in the (applied) theory. (This gets me into relying on the consistency of <ob> so that any contradiction of stated well-ordering conditions is a refutation of the contradiction, not a demonstration of inconsistency. I think I can live with that.) I am led to the question, is ob.proc(ob.proc(x)) required to be provably different than ob.proc(x)? By analogy with ob.e(x), it is. I think I must keep it that way. And be certain about it. That is, I can't just not say either way, and leave it open. Because the oracle for identity in any computational manifestation must answer the question, and every such oracle must deliver the same answer. If I fail at that, the manifestation of the abstraction is "broken" in that there are things that can be determined by computation that the theory dictates must not be discernable for the manifestation to be a valid interpretation of the theory. Applicative interpretation of ob.proc(x). I've said enought to have captured this for myself. Let me just leave with why ob.proc is interesting to me. Every Ob in <ob> has an applicative interpretation. This includes every individual, including any ob.proc(x). The applicative interpretation of ob.proc(x) is given by the condition that oApInt(ob.proc(x), y) = ob.ap(x, y) where ob.ap is "the" (by convention) universal computational function over Obs and oApInt is an auxilliary function that expresses the applicative interpretation of ob.ap(z, y) when z is an individual. So ob.proc is idempotent with respect to applicative interpretation. Indeed, it's applicative interpretation is the identity function. (It is not an identifty function on Ob, however: Ob ob.proc(x) is different than Ob x.) The point behind hypothesizing that ob.proc is in Of is to consider how one can completely hide an Ob in an individual such that all that is preserved is the applicative interpretation of the Ob, with no means to discover the original Ob by inspection alone. That is, individuals are differentiable, but knowing anything else about them (in terms of what the theory of <ob> can provide) requires a priori knowledge: I must somehow know which individual it is (that is, what it is the ob.proc of), and go from there. That is not the case with constructions, which can be inspected in computations by reliance on the identity oracle and the two primitive functions, ob.a and ob.b. I am now left to wonder whether even this simple case exhibits some of the problems of self-reference that arise in (theories of) (universal) computational systems.