The Miser Project

Construction Note C000011
Master Feed Announcements


0.00 2004-08-27 -22:47 -0700

The pages provide Atom Site Feed entries for making the following announcements in the Numbering Peano site feed:

The reason for advancing the identity and the title of the entries is so subscribers will not confuse a test announcement and the ensuing all-clear announcement as being updates of previous announcements.  It is less critical that the standby announcements be kept unique, and it is done for consistency.

Because standby announcements are set up to be applied quickly, without any preparation, they are incremented after use, not before.  A standby announcement is always "hot" and ready to be applied.

If there become multiple feeds on this site, there will need to be a separate set of master feed announcements for each one.  That is because entries are identified with particular feeds to ensure they are recognized.  [Whether this is the case for the test and all-clear cases remains to be seen.  That will be tested before we have to address the multiple feeds case.]

0.00 2004-08-27-19:04 Create construction set for the feed entries used  incident responses and repairs (orcmid)
These pages provide the grounding for corresponding XML documents used to insert announcements in feeds and to replace the feed suddenly to prevent unexpected access of feed subscribers to corrupted material.  A  Job Jar is set up for the development required here.

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created 2004-08-27-19:04 -0700 (pdt) by orcmid
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 04-08-27 22:47 $
$$Revision: 4 $
