The Miser Project

astraendo Project A040601:
Numbering-Peano Project


0.00 2004-09-19 -15:04 -0700

This is an initial placeholder.  This will be expanded as a project definition as we dig in a little more.  Meanwhile, there is already this:

0.00 2004-06-03 Create initial placeholder for project (orcmid)
This is a placeholder that is here so that I can capture some early notes and have a place to flesh out the project as initial discussions unfold.  Initially, this is a coat hanger for A040601a and A040601b and the other resources that are dragged in as examples and backup material.

Hard Hat Area (Construction Zone)

You are navigating the Miser Project.

created 2004-06-03-12:56 -0800 (pst) by orcmid
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 04-09-19 15:05 $
$$Revision: 9 $
