The Miser Project

A060601 Astraendo Folio
Peano Arithmetic
Diary & Job Jar


0.00 2006-06-08 -21:15 -0700

Status Date Description
  2006-06-08 I may have to go over this a few times.  For now I want one I can cite and build on for other work, while the nuances are worked out.  They will not be that material to the Numbering Peano project.
  2006-06-08 Find material on the problem of non-standard models of PA and make sure that doesn't happen in this system.  I also don't understand the demonstration in Boolos.
  2006-06-08 Find material on the completeness of PA - exactly how did that come about and who did it.
  2006-06-08 Cite Boolos, Burgess, and Jeffrey and rely on them for the three versions.
  2006-06-06 Add the citations for Peano to the logic page of Orcmid's Lair too.  That may be the better place to consolidate them.
  2006-06-06 Cite Kleene's Annals Hist. Comp. article on this.
  2006-06-06 Define the primitive recursive and general recursive functions, and illustrate these.
  2006-06-06 Use the basic PAI definition and make PAO (ordered) the alternative one without induction.  [dh:2006-06-08 There are three.  We will use Boolos and Jeffrey.]
2006-06-06 Cite the original work
2006-06-06 Cite Kennedy Selected Works
2006-06-06 Cite van Heijenoort.
 done 2006-06-06 Customize A060601, A060601a, A060601c as placeholders for Peano Arithmetic information
0.00 2006-06-06-13:49 Initial Diary placeholder (orcmid)
 Customize as the diary and job jar of this little project and begin accumulating work items.

Construction Zone (Hard Hat Area) You are navigating the Miser Project.

created 2006-06-06-13:49 -0700 (pdt) by orcmid
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 06-06-08 21:15 $
$$Revision: 7 $
