
Hard Hat Area

You've reached the DMware/standards section of the development site for AIIM's Document Management Interoperability ExchangeThis is the place to discover

This web page, DMwarestandards/index.htm, is part of the engineering, construction management, maintenance, and infrastructure for the DMware Development Site.  You are welcome to explore this and other construction-information pages.   You'll need your hard hat and safety shoes.

If you'd rather find out about DMware standards instead of admire the scaffolding, organization, and implementation of the site, go directly to the standards development section or to the overall DMware site.   If that doesn't work, come back later.  This section is blocked off whenever the construction crew is working here. 

created 2001-04-30-20:31 -0700 (pdt) by orcmid
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 02-10-08 16:31 $
$$Revision: 6 $
