AIIM DMware Interoperability Exchange

DMware Construction
Title-Block Style


0.02 2003-03-13-21:06 -0800 (pst)

This page is obsolete.  The information originally included here is now part of article C000004: Construction Section Structure.  The Construction Section Template Page of that article provides all of the necessary information.

0.02 2003-03-13 Tombstone in favor of C000004 and the C000004d Styles (orcmid)
This article is tombstoned as obsolete.
0.01 2003-03-11 Adjust to construction structure and being a FrontPage Style Sheet (orcmid)
The title block is the format we want to use.  Other aspects remain to be described in the text of the page.
0.00 2002-12-14 Create placeholder for the description of Standard Title Blocks (orcmid)
Provides target for the catalog and allows exercise of the styles before they are enacted in other documents..
Hard Hat Area


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of the DMware Interoperability Exchange.

created 2002-12-14-13:52 -0800 (pst) by orcmid
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 04-08-26 9:12 $
$$Revision: 17 $
