1. This page serves as the  FrontPage Style Sheet for non-construction pages of this Construction Section.  

  2. The purpose of the page is to be referenced in the <body stylesrc="c000004e.htm"> tag of other pages of the Construction Section to be given the same style.

  3. The Style Source information obtained in this way provides the following information

  4. In FrontPage 2000, the Style Source is set from the File / Properties / Background tab and specifying the "Get background information from another page" check box and page location.

  5. The contribution of this page can be reviewed by inspecting the HTML source or by viewing the page in Microsoft FrontPage

0.00 2003-03-13 Separate out the FrontPage Style Sheet information  (orcmid)
To minimize the effort in accessing this material, a simplified page is set up for specifying the background information that is extracted from this page.  The only part that is used is the <body ... > tag attributes.
Hard Hat Area

You are navigating construction material
of the DMware Interoperability Exchange.

created 2003-03-13-17:50 -0800 (pst) by orcmid
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 04-08-26 9:12 $
$$Revision: 16 $
