TROST: Open-System Trustworthiness

P000006 TROST Project
 Folio Bootstrap Template 0.10


0.00 2005-06-02 -17:40 -0700

{Folio Cover Page Customization:
   1. The material in braces, { ... }, is commentary and advice on how to customize the template to make a Project Folio.  The material can be deleted as the steps are carried out, leaving the customized Project Folio bootstrap page for further editing and expansion of folio content.
   2. This page is designed for customization using FrontPage.  It was created using Microsoft® Office FrontPage® 2003 (11.6356.6408) SP1.  For additional settings and assumptions about the template itself, consult the template-usage documentation.
   3. All examples are based on the actual steps that were taken to create project folio P050501: Develop Project Folio Bootstrap.}
   1. The template pages have been copied to the target location where a new Project Folio is desired.  E.g., a location at the same folder depth as the template, such as /projects/pilot/develop.
   2. The copied template pages have already been renamed with the identifier of the intended project folio, such as P050501.htm, P050501a.htm, etc.  Those are the pages in which these instructions are being read.
   3. An entry for the folio has been added to the Projects Catalog with the identifier for the folio as a bookmark.  The title of the folio has been chosen.  Look at existing entries for examples.  During initial preparation of the bootstrap version, "placeholder" is often used for the status.
   4. The full prototyping of a folio uses all of the pages P000006, P000006a-c, P000006c.txt, and  It is possible to omit P000006a and independently.  If P000006c.txt and are omitted, the references in the placeholder status section of P000006c must be repaired.  It is also possible to make independent use of P000006, P00000a, and P00000c (with or without P000006c.txt and in specialized customizations.}
{First Steps:
   1. Link the Projects Catalog entry for this folio to this page.  Link from the ID and the Summary Title fields of the catalog entry.
   2. Using the File | Properties ... dialog, change the HTML page title of this page to the correct ID and Summary Title (e.g., "P050501: Develop Project Folio Bootstrap").
   3. In the title banner of this page, replace both occurrences of P000006 with the ID of this project folio.  The hyperlink of the first one should be a relative link to the bookmark on the Projects Catalog page (e.g., "../../p000001-log.htm#P050501").  The hyperlink of the second one should be a shortcut to this very page.
   4. In the upper-right corner (the anchor block) of the page, change the names of the links to reflect the path to this page (e.g., "TROSTing>projects>templates>00>" becomes "TROSTing>projects>pilot>develop>").  Note that the relative links don't change, just the text, since the new page is at the same depth in the site as the template page.}
{Moving On:
   1. Go to the bottom of this page and continue with the customization of the page-construction history there.
   2. Return here after any other pages, especially any Diary & Job Jar, are also customized and in effect.}
Type: Project Planning {customize} Project ID: P000006 {customize}
Style: Abbreviated {customize} Status: Initiation {customize}
Provide a page set that is easily copied and customized as part of the initiation of new project folios. 
  1. Satisfy the essential requirements of the TROSTing site, with an eye toward flexing to use for other kinds of folios and use on other sites (e.g.,
  2. Assume manual operation for this level of the template, so that usage experience can be gathered in direct employment. 
  3. Start with one that is good-enough and illustrative of the key ideas for expansion later.
  4. Have a job jar in place for capturing further experience and revising the template from time to time, providing a progressive account of the different versions.
Related Information/Projects:
P050501: Develop Project Folio Bootstrap
iyymmnn: Folio Template Usage (tbd)
Conditions of Satisfaction:
1. Template in consistent usage
2. Template customization instructions are complete enough for adaptation to other settings and reliable use.
3. Determining that going farther requires semi-automatic assistance.
1. Working template (this file and its companions)
2. Project folio providing a progressive account and preservation of the sequence of stable versions
3. Template-Usage documentation
Assigned To: {name} Defined By: Dennis Hamilton (2005-05-20) {customize}
Date Initiated: 2005-05-20 {customize} Date Completed: 2005-05-26 {customize}

1. Approach (2005-05-21 {customize})

2. Activities (tbd {customize})

The customization of this template is carried out under project P050501: Develop Project Folio Bootstrap.

{Page-Construction History:
   1. In the lower right corner, the "construction-history block" change the created date and time to record the creation of this page (not the template).  Specify the current time-zone offset and time-zone symbol for the local time. 
   2. The material between currency symbols is updated automatically by source-code control software and need not be adjusted.
   3. In the version 0.00 entry, below, correct the date-and time and adjust the text as appropriate.  The absolute URLs to Project Folio Bootstrap materials can be replaced with relative URLs that apply in the target location of this page.
   4. If no job jar is being created in this folio, delete the mention in the version note.  If a job jar is being created, make sure that the link is to the correct job-jar page (e.g., P050501a.htm)
{Next Page:
   1. It is usually preferable to set up any Diary & Job Jar page next, so that it can be put to use immediately.  In some cases (as was done in the example target, P050501) the Diary & Job Jar will be done earlier simply so it is available for capturing notes as quickly as possible.
   2. The folio cover page (this page) and any Diary & Job Jar are sufficient scaffolding for bootstrap of further content.  Any additional pages need only be customized before they are linked to from other already-customized pages.  The progressive addition of content and customization of additional template-originated pages can develop as appropriate for the specific situation.}

0.00 2005-05-21-13:58 Create Placeholder for Expansion into Folio Cover Page {customize and keep version 0.00 here}
Incorporate job jar and use it to drive the completion of essential items here, providing an initial skeleton for more content.  This page is a customization of the Project Folio Bootstrap Template.  A version from Develop Project Folio Bootstrap Template (0.10) Material was used.

Construction Zone (Hard Hat Area)

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This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons License.

created 2005-05-21-13:58 -0700 (pdt) by orcmid
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 05-07-21 13:36 $
$$Revision: 19 $
