TROST: Open-System Trustworthiness

P050601 TROST Project
 Develop InfoNote Bootstrap
Diary & Job Jar 0.05


0.05 2005-08-18 -23:01 -0700




done 0.20 2005-08-18 Split all completed items in this Diary and Job Jar into a new P050601a3.htm file.
done 0.20 2005-08-18 Customize a manifest for P050601e.txt.
done 0.20 2005-08-18 Add all i000006*.* material to for inclusion in the archive and its manifest.
done 0.20 2005-08-18 Capture .mht versions of the i000006*.htm pages for incorporation in the Template 0.20 Material archive.
done 0.20 2005-08-18 Place all of the current 0.20 material on the hosted site so that the material can be captured for archiving.
done 0.20 2005-08-18 Reflect creation of 0.20 in the Project Log, P000001.
done 0.20 2005-08-18 Update i050601 to reflect establishment of Template 0.20.
done 0.20 2005-08-18 Update i050601d to be obsoleted by i050601e.
done 0.20 2005-08-18 Make i050601e the latest in i050601b. 
done 0.20
2005-08-17 Prepare i050601e.htm to package the necessary material as soon as the new template is placed in the template folder on the centrale LAN.  However, there will still be a placeholder when the template first comes up.  We'll get the package as soon after as possible.  (This is a pattern, it seems.)
done 0.20 2005-08-18 Update the InfoNote Catalog to reflect the change to Template 0.20 today.
done 0.20 2005-08-18 Capture a snapshot of i000006*.* for preservation in the archive of Template 0.20 Material
done 0.20
2005-08-15 The provisionals developed under projects/pilot/develop/ link to their future incarnations over on info/templates/00/ and we want to make sure those links are not rewritten when we promote them to that place.  [dh:2005-08-18: No, it doesn't quite work.  They get rewritten when fetched in FrontPage, although they are stored in the form we have in mind.  So the "moved" i000006b didn't work.  I have to put in an existing one, and be careful to make them absolute URLs if I ever edit them in the info/templates/00 folder]
done 0.20 2005-08-18 Merge the projects/pilot/develop/i000006*.* files over to /info/template/00/i000006*.*, doing it on compagno where there are all of the files.
resolved 0.20
2005-08-14 When I have a provisional template in use, when it is in a different location, I want to shortcut into it.  This causes there to be a weird dance.  I want to move the template to its new place, but that doesn't work, because its shortcuts will be fried.  Hmm.  If I can revert to the correct one that was shared, I can make it work, I think.  I'll try that with development of 0.20 because I am already using the new i000006b, and I don't want to stop everything else while 0.20 is developing.  [dh:2005-08-17 The i000006 get moved from projects/pilot/develop to info/templates/00 by merging.  This doesn't do things to the pages that link to the developmental i000006 pages though.  For that the i000006 pages must be seen to move.  I may have to delete on templates/00 so the move goes, then delete again and bring back from the mirror to get it all working.  This is a tricky dance and it should work.][dh:2005-08-18 None of this works.  The thing to do is not to link to provisional pages before they switch in as the candidate, and always delete the destination (in VSS) and share the candidates into the destination.  And we don't have any other kind of branching that makes this a problem.]
done 0.20
2005-08-17 Reflect the new manifest and zip archive in i000006c.htm.  [At this point, the template is fully available for provisional usage, even though it isn't in the template folder yet.]
done 0.20 2005-08-17 Incorporate the manifest in the
done 0.20 2005-08-17 Make the manifest as generic as possible so that it is easier to customize in making other templates on this and other sites.
done 0.20 2005-08-17 Customize the manifest for Template 0.20, reflecting other changes that have been introduced, especially around attribution.
done 0.20
2005-07-28 There are changes in ODMA templates that can be back-factored to here.
done 0.20 2005-08-17 Review Notebook #46 back to 06-23 (creation of 0.10) for any further changes not captured yet.
done 0.20 2005-08-17 Document the same-depth assumption somewhere or else don't even mention it in the customization comments.  [dh:2005-08-17 I am including it in the Customization notes for the Revision History.  Something more can be provided on i000006.  Having done that, I think the explanation is pretty geeky and it will be great to have a method that is not so brittle.]
done 0.20 2005-08-17 Adjust the comments about absolute URLs in the bottom customization notes as proper relative links are put in: i000006, i000006a, i000006b, i000006c
done 0.20 2005-08-17 Make explicit Revision History titles on i000006, i000006a, i000006b, i000006c; Have the indenting and <dl>-elements work properly.
done 0.20 2005-08-17 There were two #2 notes in the bottom of i000006b too.  Check i000006c for them. [yup there to]
done 0.20
2005-08-10 0.20 Fix the incorrect ".1" bookmark on the 0.00 Revision Histories for any of i000006, i000006a, i000006b, i000006c.
done 0.20
2005-06-28 Change main title to just Bootstrap Template 0.20 on links back from i000006a 0.20, i000006b, i000006c
not needed
2005-06-28 i000006 should have an indicator of where the version material is found (??? - compare with Q000006?)
done 0.20
2005-06-27 i000006 0.20 under revision history, should add comment about adjusting the construction zone link (same as on i000006a). [dh:2005-08-17 This also applies to i000006b and i000006c now.]
done 0.20
2005-06-28 i000006c says "project material" in the sample note.  Review entire page i000006c and i000006b for "project."
done 0.20
2005-06-28 On the initial entry in the i000006a 0.20 diary & job jar, simplify the text to maybe just "Create this page," and something about minimal customization of the folio cover when that is what was/is done.  [dh:2005-08-17 Also make sure that it is left-justified and get that correction noted for Q000006 under ODMA/faq too.]
done 0.20
2005-06-28 i000006a 0.20 remove the red bar and useless text before the table.
done 0.20
2005-06-27 i000006a 0.20 in the construction zone comment under revision history comments should point out that an easy way to get it correct is to copy from i000006, along with other stuff.  This should be mentioned for i000006c too.  This can be compared with the Q000006 changes under ODMA /faq/templates/00/
done 0.20
2005-06-27 i000006a 0.10 has two #2's in the instructions on revision history.  Fix for 0.20.
done 0.20
2005-06-27 i000006a 0.20 should say InfoNote, not project, on the top body text line.
2005-06-28 It is worth noting that these placeholders are a bit like Wiki pages that aren't filled yet, but they've been mentioned already.  [dh:2005-08-13 It's all about avoiding dangling links as new material is blended in.]
2005-08-13 Review and cleanup the progression-cross-reference blocks in the material: P050601c, P050601d, and P050601e when the time comes.  Review the heading titles for consistency at the same time.
done 0.12
2005-08-13 Clean up P050601 as needed to adjust for this finalization.  Make this an action accounted for in the action list too.  Also try making the project grid visible and easier to apprehend.
done 0.18
2005-08-13 Clean up the P050601d.htm to have the latest approach to the title and the progression cross references.
done 0.18
2005-08-13 Update P050601d.htm to reflect this final status of template version 0.10 material.
done 0.18
2005-08-13 Make final of the version corresponding to the final P050601d.txt.
done 0.18
2005-08-13 Update and make the final P050601d.txt, reflecting all other content of including itself.
done 2005-08-14 BUG!! When I capture .mht files from http://compagno (the development web server on my SOHO Lan), there will be URLs in the captured file that refer to SOHO Lan locations, and these are not resolvable over the Internet and World Wide Web.  I am not going to repair this defect in the latest Template 0.00 Archive, but I will handle it here.  The pages involved will be published to the Internet and captured and then the archive will be completed and posted. The pages involved are P050601-0.11mht, p050601d-0.15.mht, P050601a-0.04.mht (this page), and P060601a2-0.03.mht (a new page).
done 2005-08-13 Split out material into a new P050601a2 so that we can prune this page of as many completed items as possible.  Preserve the pages in
done 2005-06-22 Split the completed items in this diary out into a backup page so that it is easier to work on what's next.  It is not necessary to drag those completed items into 0.10 work when they are already accounted for in the 0.01 snapshot.
Revision History
0.05 2005-08-18-23:01 Post Template 0.20 and Its Completed Work Items
Template 0.20 is ready for use, the materials are ready to post, and the completed work items are moved into this separate Diary & Job Jar archive page.
0.04 2005-08-14-08:46 Start Wrapping-Up All lingering Template 0.10 Archiving
Seal off 0.10, preserving everything needed before commencing 0.20 development with a vengeance.  I had a FrontPage crash while working on this the first time, but fortunately the only-unsaved material was around this updating of version histories.
0.03 2005-08-13-22:14 Split off 0.10 Development as part of Freezing
The 0.10 preservation is completing and we split out P050601a2 to hold all completed items since the finalization of 0.00 for use.
0.02 2005-06-22-14:13 Begin development toward 0.10 Update of the Template
We want to march to an 0.10 version that can be used for making further
0.01 2005-06-21-23:13 Mark status as of completion of 0.00 preservation
The 0.00 preservation is complete and the pages of this folio provide accurate status.
0.00 2005-06-01-18:53 Create Initial Placeholder
Introduce an initial placeholder that serve as a target of links and provides a diary & job jar that can be employed immediately.  This page is a clone of the Project Folio Bootstrap Diary & Job Jar page.

Construction Zone (Hard Hat Area)
Creative Commons License You are navigating
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons License.

created 2005-06-01-18:53 -0700 (pdt) by orcmid
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 05-08-18 23:02 $
$$Revision: 46 $
