TROST: Open-System Trustworthiness

i050803 TROST InfoNote
Pattern Templates


0.50 2005-12-21 -21:01 -0800

Pattern Templates

Pattern languages and the consistent description of patterns are important for the characterization of TROST artifacts and processes.  Patterns also figure in the projects to which TROSTing is applied.

To support the focus of TROST on processes as well as artifacts, and on non-computer procedures as well as computational ones, existing approaches have been reviewed and an useful composite template derived for TROST pattern descriptions. 

A template was chosen first, so that the likelihood of having to make major revisions to accumulated patterns is reduced.  Practice should lead to only small adjustments and additions.

The analysis and documentation of a TROST Pattern Language will follow the initiation of a pattern catalog and identification of generative structures.

-- Dennis E. Hamilton
Seattle, Washington

Further Information

see also:
i050901: TROST Pattern Language
i050808: Pattern Resources

Revision History:
0.50 2005-12-21-21:01 Simplify Arrangement and Include Corrections
0.30 2005-09-23-21:24 Package as cover for the initial published content
The 0.30 materials are completed and published with this covering note.
0.00 2005-08-20-18:36 Establish Placeholder for Pending Material
Also start a job jar page for recording work items for building more content.  This page is a customization of the InfoNote Bootstrap Template 0.20 template.  A version from Develop InfoNote Bootstrap Template 0.20 Material was used.

Construction Zone (Hard Hat Area)

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created 2005-08-19-13:47 -0700 (pdt) by orcmid
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 05-12-21 21:01 $
$$Revision: 55 $
