TROST: Open-System Trustworthiness

i050601 TROST InfoNote
 Symbols of Trust
Diary & Job Jar


0.00 2005-07-21 -00:26 -0700




  2005-07-18 Capture all of the images in their various forms, including the Microsoft Journal page, and package these in a snapshot archive in the usual way.
  2005-07-17 Those citations that link to #[...] fragments (e.g., all of the software-engineering ones) need to be changed to use the non-[] form that satisfies the standard for the HTTP URL scheme.
  2005-07-17 Change the Winograd & Flores citation from 1986 to 1987.  Alter it in the Orcmid's Lair bibliography too.  [As usual, preserve the earlier forms too so no links are broken.]
  2005-07-16 Find Lilia's use of "engagement" that inspired me to settle on that term.
  2005-07-16 Update my Orcmid's Readings notes on Winograd & Flores to eliminate the "certainly, Situating Trust," or make it more subtle.  I need to indicate that the note is obsolete and that there are more updates needed.  (This is linked from the bibliography entry for Winograd & Flores.)
  2005-07-12 Distinguish trustworthiness in artifacts and trust points as separate topics.
  2005-06-23 Consider thumbs-up / thumbs-down for assessment and availability of a TROST assessment.  [dh:2005-07-21 could also be +/- and if on a yin-yang symbol, I wonder which is which?]
  2005-06-23 Add spiraling as used by Microsoft and as the cycle of experience used by Kathy Sierra.  There may be a Tom Gilb reference too.
done (0.15)
2005-07-20 There's an improvement of wording in the Blog version.  Retrofit it onto the i050601 pages.
2005-07-17 Ask PJD where I can find his "Work is a closed loop process." that he cites so often. [dh:2005-07-20 Not on-line yet, maybe someday.]
done (0.14)
2005-06-23 Blog about it when there is enough to make into an entry [dh:2005-07-16 and also announce on TROST-discuss].
done (0.14) 2005-07-20 Clean up some of the awkward wording I'm hiding behind and acknowledge Hal Macomber for the reminder about breakdowns as the test of trustworthiness.
2005-07-18 I need to do something more about wanting to speak about trustworthiness in artifacts, as opposed to trustworthiness of artifacts.  One reminder that works for me is to remind myself who I contact when there is a breakdown, if I do that at all.  Who do others contact.  I don't think we have a conversation with the artifact to resolve the breakdown.  This needs to be reflected in the Trustworthiness in Artifacts article. [dh:2005-07-19 I received a note from Hal Macomber on 07-18 with another angle about breakdowns - namely that is where trustworthiness is confirmed or impugned.  I must capture both of those.  It is how you can tell a Software Engineering process is successful, too, as in the BOI on the Ariane 501 failure.]
done (0.13) 2005-07-20 The bulleted list on the cover page gets messed up when the image extends down next to any of the bulleted items.  Move the list right so that the image never interferes. [dh:2005-07-20 I used a table to fix it. I know there's a way to do it with divs but tables work and it gets the job done for now.]  I also added more about what this is about for me.
done 0.12
2005-07-18 Clean up the cover page to indicate what we are doing here, even though it only provides an index to the content of this folio.
done 0.12 2005-07-19 Fix up the the last addition (section 4.3), adding in the notion of Trust Area and making the sentences parse a little better.
done 0.11 2005-07-18 Make 0.11 in place and provide proof-reading of the entire document as read in a browser.
done 0.11 2005-07-18 0.11: Include in the short note on Trust Points the business about minimizing the trust surface. (See 2005-06-23 note too.)
done 0.11
2005-06-23 Find a place for a trust point as an effort to identify and reduce trust surface.
done 0.11 2005-07-18 Introductory paragraph.  Break at reference.  Show the answer.  Then lead into the table of contents.
done 0.11 2005-07-18 3. "Trust can and will be present .."
done 0.11 2005-07-18 2.6 Start with "Attention on" and tweak more.
done 0.11 2005-07-18 2.5(2) Needs serious work.
done 0.11 2005-07-18

2.5(1).  Have the CfA be the atoms and particles, where the PDSA is a chain of molecules.

done 0.11 2005-07-18 2.3 "... when there is a trust relationship"
done 0.11 2005-07-18 1.4 "... every stage of the cycle"; no period in the quotation before the Keen citation.
done 0.11 2005-07-18 1.2 "The cycle encompasses" more direct.
2005-07-16 Contact Hal Macomber and find out how he wants to have attribution made to his site and the course.
done 2005-07-17 Add "design" to the glossary?
done 2005-07-17 Add "architecture" to the glossary.
done 2005-07-17 Add "customer" to the glossary.
2005-06-23 Add the handshake as the completion of the symbol.
done 2005-07-16 Review Hal Macomber's Let's Play Catch e-mail course messages and make sure I have characterized them appropriately.
done 2005-07-16 Get the doi for Medina-Mora
done 2005-07-16 Indicate where people can find additional occurences of the Conversation for Action.
2005-07-12 Reflect the spiral notion (Deming's helix).
done 2005-07-12 Add Shewhart-Deming Plan-Do-Study-Act diagram
done 2005-07-12 Add separate "Revision History" headings at the bottom of all pages: P050601a, P050601b, P050601
2005-06-23 Make a hand-drawn version of the conversation for action and the interaction symbol from "Completing the Loops"
2005-06-23 Make a hand-drawn version of the Shewhart-Deming cycle of improvement and provide some discussion of my interest in it as a symmetrical process
done 2005-06-29 Customize i050601c to be identified as "Symbols of Trust (0.00) Material [placeholder]
done 2005-06-29 Customize i050601b to be identified as "Symbols of Trust (latest) Material"
2005-06-23 Create a placeholder for starting a progressive development.
done 2005-06-23 Publish as minimal two-page placeholder at once, so that the new template can be established.
done 2005-06-23 Create this page as a placeholder for building up the material that I want to use.
Revision History:
0.00 2005-06-23-23:16 Create Initial Placeholder
Introduce an initial placeholder that serve as a target of links and provides a diary & job jar that can be employed immediately.  This page is a customization of the InfoNote Bootstrap Template 0.10 Diary & Job Jar.  A version from Develop InfoNote Bootstrap Template (0.10) Material was used.

Construction Zone (Hard Hat Area)
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Creative Commons License.

created 2005-06-23-23:16 -0700 (pdt) by orcmid
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 05-07-21 13:36 $
$$Revision: 44 $
