TROST: Open-System Trustworthiness

InfoNote i050401 TROST 
 Report Template Version 0.12


0.12 2006-08-08 -22:19 -0700

This Microsoft® Office Word 2003 template is used to provide a consistent format to all report documents produced as initial work on TROSTing and the TROST Pilot project.  The following materials are available in the present package:

0.12 2005-05-04-21:29 Upgrade Cover portions to polished form for Template version 0.12
A number of improvements are made to the layout of the cover, along with introduction of TemplateNotes and the Creative Commons Attribution license notice, a copyright claim, and demonstration of attribution instructions.  This is still provisional .  Review for permitted use of the Creative Commons trademark is pending. [dh:2005-05-10 The manifest and description has been updated, but there is no change to the 0.12 template.]
0.11 2005-04-21-16:12 Replace with Template Version 0.11 Materials
The original TROST Report Template 0.10 is simply replaced as 0.11 with simple changes to header and page-number formatting.  There are no documents based on the previous version.  The previous version is simply being replaced.
0.00 2005-04-19-22:55 Initial basic packaging
This initial version of the packaging provides minimal completeness as an initial trial at the packaging approach to be further developed as part of TROSTing the TROST site and projects.

Construction Zone (Hard Hat Area)
Creative Commons License You are navigating
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons License.

created 2005-04-19-15:56 -0700 (pdt) by orcmid
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 06-08-08 22:19 $
$$Revision: 75 $
