The Miser Project


Hard Hat Area

This is the Miser Project /sketch section.  

The sketch provides an informal development of the conceptual foundation for Miser.  There is also theoretical treatment and bridging between the computational view and the theory that is realized in the computational view.

The sketch discloses enough of the key ideas so that they can be reviewed, discussed, and sharpened by more-technical developments, both theoretically and in terms of development of an operational manifestation of the Miser computational model. 

Access to the incomplete and provisional oMiser sketch draft is here.  When there is enough content to merit refined organization, we will provide a more hospitable point of entry.

This page, index.htm , is part of the engineering, construction management, maintenance, and infrastructure of the Miser Project web.  You are welcome to explore this and other construction-information pages.   You'll need your hard hat and safety shoes.

created 2002-06-20-12:14 -0700 (pdt) by orcmid
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 02-07-14 12:18 $
$$Revision: 5 $
