Orcmid's Lair |
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2004-06-08We Must Like Blogger Because ...How Scribbling.net freed itself from file extensions (and internal IDs). ...When we can't stand where we are let down by our reliance on Blogger, the first thing we want to do is build a better one, solving our problems and those of kindred spirits. Gina Trapani (cool resumé design) is doing that with Scribblish. You would not be surprised that I am delighted with questioning of things like the URL that people use for articles and how to make them friendly. I am waiting for the promised look at her open-source solutions for Scribblish. [New item for my wish list: I forget to notice which blog my Blog This! scriplet is going to post a draft to. To correct that I need to do a little cut-and-paste from the unintended destination to the desired one. That's what comes with thinking that having multiple blogs might be a good idea. Meanwhile, the ability to move posts around, place them in multiple places and use them in multiple ways, also while in draft, should fall out of a good blending of functionalities.]
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2004-06-06Satisfying Generated WantsA Penny For...: I want it now!. This is another Scoble spotting with supported anecdotal experience. In the APennyFor article, Todd points out that it is very important to match availability with want, especially when you've cultivated the want:"The Internet has changed my tolerance for waiting. I can hear or read about a book and go order it on Amazon that moment. They can have it to me the next day. iTunes is even better. I can have the song I want in about 30 seconds.Scoble relates a confirming experience and adds an important consideration: Customers also want to drive their relationship with suppliers, not be managed as customer relationships. The use of RSS as a way of allowing customers to find out what you have to say on their terms moves the initiative. It avoids registration and other silliness that makes customers work too hard and creates an opportunity for mailing-list sales. Having a private feed devoted to a particular customer is a different case, and a further opportunity. I can see many ways that is useful in consulting projects. What has this in my face at this point in time is that I am, at this very moment, working out a commitment to ship a software product in 12 months, announcing it in six. (I also intend to complete my M.Sc project dissertation at the end of 9 months, so parlaying them together could be cool or disastrous, take your pick.) It is pretty clear that the 6+6 model doesn't work for a small-change software-publishing operation. Some sort of rolling build-up with usable product available from the moment of announcement is more like it. This is a suite effort, so the idea of progressive delivery is workable as well as a way to establish a track record for dependable project management. Then I thought how great it would be if SourceForge projects had RSS Feeds and, by golly, they already do! Other sources, such as the on-line Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) are also providing feeds for downloads and their announcement. This seems like an useful way to offer a variety of customer services on a customer-demand basis. There is a practice used with Atom that is valuable for becoming feed-centric: The feed can be made human-presentable by the use of XSLT to make an HTML view. Feed readers can easily ignore the XSLT processing instruction at the front of the file, directly processing the XML instead. Here's a place where all of the pieces seem to have landed together. From here, it is a matter of paying attention.
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Mining the TorrentA VC: Bit Torrents (Continued). This Scoble spotting relates an experience finding out how to hook up P2P software and successfully use Bit Torrents to share and play multimedia performance files.I am queezy about this particular P2P activity, and fascinated by the operability that is showing up in available, typically open-sourced software. The Azureus client has nice agent-like behavior, especially with regard to maintaining presence and dealing with long transfers that may be interrupted by any participant being disconnected. The package finds a way to continue at the next opportunity. That's nifty and should go into any requirements for this kind of software. Azurues itself is developed in Java as a GPL'd SourceForge project. It's the second-most active project on SourceForge at the moment. A VC also notices how many Windows Shareware Audio tools there are. There's a literal stack of them in open-source land too, and the Java audio support is interesting as a platform. All of this is grist for nfoWare, especially ideas about operability and interoperability. Having a truly-componentized approach should be fascinating, right along with the componentization for blending interactive communication, collaboration and publishing.
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