Miser Project Notes

N020700: Managing Miser-theory.info

Version 0.10 Last updated 2002-10-13-21:01 -0700 (pdt)

I just had a nasty crash while in FrontPage 2000 merrily updating the oMiser sketch.  It was a problem with my touchpad and a race condition, not a problem with FrontPage.  Just the same, I lost work I am unhappy to have to regenerate.  I will recreate the notes, but I want to make sure there are more systematic practices in place on having material secured on the web site, nfoCentrale, and on my complex of computers, Centrale.

This note captures the provisions I am making to have Miser-theory.info be trustworthy and a reliable place for developments that are specific to the Miser Project. I am also reviewing provisions for having adequate backup and archiving to ensure against loss of the work.  Finally, there are practices, such as periodic saves and check-ins to be introduced and maintained to protect myself from my own silliness.

-- Dennis E. Hamilton
Seattle, Washington
2002 July 3

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0.10 2002-07-03 Create Initial Boilerplate and make placeholder for more (orcmid)
I had a crash after doing great work updating the sketch.  I will reconstruct it, but it led me to safeguard my work better.   These notes are about the structure that is being created to manage the material and have it preserved on my computers and on the web site. 

created 2002-07-03-13:51 -0700 (pdt) by orcmid
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 04-01-06 13:03 $
$$Revision: 4 $
