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updated 2002-06-21-10:30 -0700 (pdt)
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For a history of this document and its revisions, see Miser Note N020600:
Miser Sketch Notes.
Here is a brief sketch of the foundation for any (and every) Miser system. This is the oMiser level because it covers the elementary, ‹Ob› structure only. It is devoted exclusively to Obs and Obs, seemingly alone in a world unto themselves. This simple, closed structure is at the foundation of all extensions that are introduced to achieve "higher" levels. oMiser and ‹Ob› provide a rich yet somehow arcane and rarefied place. It is a powerful launchpad for distinguishing how much we rely on the familiar and how much is overlooked in our everyday approach to computation, theories, logic, mathematics and especially to language itself.
We want to put something up top about what we are doing here, and the viewpoint that we want to encourage.
Two ways we want to look at Obs and the basic provisions of the Miser system.
We have a computer implementation in mind. But it is abstracted. Still a computer implementation, but not a fixed implementation. So I will illustrate the computational nature of Miser by informal means: diagrams, descriptions of behavior of a computer, and so on.
At the same time, there is also a theoretical system, a mathematical structure, that the computational system honors in a particular way.
I will give informal characterizations of the computational system, using diagrams that are to be suggestive of valid interpretations of the theory.
I will also give informal expression to the theoretical system of which the computational system is to be a valid interpretation.
This illustrates how these two views can be brought together in demonstration of what it means to manifest abstractions (theoretical entities) by computational means. This sets the stage for a rigorously developed manifestation in operational computer software and for a formally developed exploration of the theoretical system that is its foundation.
It is important to notice that the theory is being developed with an implementation in mind. I am interested in the operational capabilities of the kind of system that I envision, while at the same time the development of a theoretical system sharpens understanding and also provides a venue for exploring the way that theory and reality can be said to collide in the computer. The egg and the chicken have no existence apart.
We mean by this that Obs are sufficient. In principle, we don't need anything more to provide a universal system of computation. It is neither practical nor desirable to limit ourselves this way. We start here because this is the place where we can reveal exactly what is involved in manifesting anything via computation and then what is or is not remarkable by extensions that deliver computation on familiar terms that, nevertheless, preserve Obs and their power.
Here it is argued that comparison, knowledge of existence, and understanding of number, are essential to knowledge, but cannot be included in perception since they are not affected through any sense organ. |
-- Bertrand Russell on Knowledge and Perception in Plato.
This section provides a basic flavor of the approach and how we will toggle between several perspectives, always endeavoring to keep them distinct.
The structure, ‹Ob› = ‹Ob, Of, Ot› consists of
a set, Ob, of elements (the individual Obs),
a set, Of, of functions over Ob
and a formal system, Ot, with initial axioms that provides everything and only what there is to be (formally) known about ‹Ob›.
There are Obs. That's all we get to know for now. Don't assume anything. And don't confuse the notion of Obs with anything that you might already know about objects or "objects" or object-oriented programming or anything else. We'll look for prospective connections later. For now, consider that with oMiser Obs have no relationship to classes and objects the way they are spoken of by software developers.
For now, there is very little to know about Obs. They are some kind of (abstract) thing. We will indicate how little we know by depicting an arbitrary Ob as a cloud-like entity.
It is fundamental that there can be many Obs -- an unlimited number, actually -- and however they come to
our attention, they are distinguished in some way. When the same Ob comes to our attention in more than one way, it is always recognizable as the same Ob. That's an essential quality for all interpretations that we want to allow.
This is represented in the theory by the rules for identity and distinction. It is not a complete representation and we will eventually examine this part more closely.
There is an equivalence relationship defined over Obs. There are no other entities in ‹Ob›, so it is safe to use the common symbol "=" for Ob identity. [Reflexivity] If x is an Ob, x = x. [Symmetry] If x and y are Obs, if x = y, then y = x. [Transitivity] If x, y and z are Obs, if x = y and y = z, then x = z [Distinction] x ¬= y is equivalent to ¬(x = y) by definition. [Identity Completeness] It is the case that (x = y) or (x ¬= y) for x and y any Obs and that ¬(x = y and x ¬= y) as well.
The identity completeness condition is introduced to establish that whether or not the law of excluded middle holds for propositions in general, it does apply for identity, and identity applies among all Obs. This places a strong condition on any valid interpretation of ‹Ob›, and is part of the assurance of a sound computational manifestation for Obs. [Find a better term if sound is inappropriate or misleading here.]
The idea of pointing and the idea of an oracle for identity. The idea that there is one Ob
The idea that manifestations show up in a conventional computer system as something at the level of the conventional computational system.
We will use a memory location as a placeholder, in the computational model, for the manifestation. It is an entity of the computational system and it holds an Ob-handle of some kind.
When we introduce identity, we will consider that there is some oracle that can be used to ascertain, on behalf of the computational application, whether two Ob-handle values are for the same Ob or not.
Talk in the computational and informal conceptions first.
There is nothing to say about this in the theory, at this point. It is the interpretation/manifestation that gives existence to the extent there is such a thing.
We will strengthen this requirement when we assert that the definite, determined object ob-NULL is in Ob.
Later, we get to look at how manifestation of ob-NULL (or any other, but this one is assured) gives rise to all of ‹Ob›, that Obs live only in ‹Ob› and are not reduced or separatable. This is the case for ‹Ob›-manifestation.
If z = c(x, y), then x ¶ z and y ¶ z.
If z = s(x), then x ¶ z.
If x ¶ y and y ¶ z, then x ¶ z
If x ¶ y, then ¬(y ¶ x)
If x = y, then ¬(x ¶ y)
a(z) = z or a(z) ¶ z
b(z) = z or b(z) ¶ z
c(x, y) = c(m, n) if-and-only-if x = m and y = n
s(x) = s(m) if-and-only-if x = m Identity. For all Obs x and y, either x = y or ¬(x = y) but not both. The usual identity propositions hold. We write x ¬= y for ¬(x = y) The set of Obs is closed with respect to the primitive Ob functions a, b, c, and s. The primitive functions are well-defined and total. If z = s(x), then a(z) = x and b(z) = z. If z = c(x, y), then a(z) = x and b(z) = y and z is a combination. z = c(a(z), b(z)) if and only if z is a combination. For any Ob z, If a(z) = z and b(z) = z, then z is an individual. For any Ob z, If a(z) = z and b(z) = z, then z is a singleton and z = s(a(z)). The individuals, singletons, and combinations partition the Obs. Every Ob is exactly one of these. z = c(a(z), b(z)) if and only if z is a combination.
If z = s(x), then a(z) = x and b(z) = z
We have described all of the primitive functions of ‹Ob› but one. It is asserted that these functions, with =, provide a complete theory for Obs, given some way to characterize all the effective procedures that there are on Obs.
oApply: Ob x Ob -> Ob is in Of.
If individual(f) then oApply(f, x) = oAppInt(f, x)
If p = s(c) then oApply(p, x) = c
The limitations of operating with Ob manifestations because there is no externally/humanly-meaningful function. We can represent everything, but communicate almost nothing. We don't even have the formalism of ‹Ob› theory available. We just have raw access to the manifestation of ‹Ob›, not the formalism (or metalanguage) in which we have been expressing Obs.
The idea of persistent description of Obs. That will be later. We can "write" Obs in XML and we can "write" Obs in the scripting language, Frugal.
More than that, there is the use of the Applicative Interpretation model, and its extensions, to connect to the world in extremely useful, some might say meaningful, ways.
Building-out and bridging will happen in this progression.
First, we will develop [o]Frugal, a scripting language that allows us to express oMiser computations in something that is shareable among people and that provides an external language that we can use to quickly manifest an ‹Ob› and exercise it in breadboard/prototype mode.
We will also develop obXML, a format in XML for expressing an [o]Miser Ob such that it can be exchanged and then (re-) manifest on the same or different computers at later times. The idea of manifestation elsewhere and re-manifestation will provide interesting considerations.
With oMiser, there is no identified way, internal to ‹Ob›, to deal with symbols. So there is no way to deliver symbols to oMiser and create computations that work with those symbols and incorporate symbols in the result. This impairs our ability, using ‹Ob› itself, to provide formal manipulations (still on Obs) and that allow us to have Obs be convenient expressions for forms that are tied to the intended purpose of having our computations be interpretations of other important theories: arithmetic, logic, and applications that arise in the purposive use of computation. The inputs and results are still Obs, but we have a form of individuals that makes Obs useful as symbolic expressions that are tied to the purpose of an oMiser computation. This takes us to the sMiser level. This is done by establishing a family of individual obs that provide an external-world identity, expressed as a spelled symbol.
sMiser is accompanied by [s]Frugal, a scripting language that allows us to take advantage of symbols (for people) in commanding Miser computations and operating in the enriched sMiser world. (An [o]Frugal version exists merely as a prototype fixture for exercising oMiser and obtaining obXML as a way to save and restore our early work.)
sMiser is a baby step toward the development of iMiser, an interactive/imperative system. It deals with important considerations of language, identity, and the use of symbols that are not normally separated out. We have a world without symbols, then we extend oMiser with symbols that allow an interesting external sense of identity. We have not actually done anything, but the result is far more convenient.
We now discuss the fact that every individual has an applicative interpretation. Now, in oMiser, the application of any Ob to an Ob, produces an Ob. This would appear to not be very fruitful.
Consider that an individual Ob can be the ‹Ob› manifestation of an object in some other system than ‹Ob›. We cannot see, directly in the ‹Ob› manifestations, what these other manifestations are. But whatever they accomplish, if we have a complete primitive set of operations on them, also provided via Ob manifestations, we know that we can create every computable function on those objects using the already-established computational completeness of oMiser for computations on Obs.
This is a giant leap, and better motivational examples will be needed. It also helps to have Frugal-ese and sMiser to appeal to.
Which new kinds of theories do we manifest this way. Well, for starters, the ones that let us express sFrugal and obXML processing in ‹Ob› itself.
created 2002-06-16-18:31 -0700 (pdt) by orcmid
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 02-07-03 16:07 $
$$Revision: 13 $