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The Miser ProjectNotes |
Last Updated 2002-07-14-10:25 -0700 (pdt)
This section holds the compilation of technical notes on the Miser Project. It serves as combination on-line laboratory notebook, diary, and raw musings.
This is the incubator for early thoughts and self-dialogs on aspects of the Miser Project.
Even though notes are inherently disorganized and unrefined, there is a crude organization scheme for cataloging and locating the notes. It isn't much. It is enough so that notes can be found and any status that they have in relation to other later/earlier work can be understood.
This is my place for thinking out loud. Sometimes I need it just to get the conversation out of my head and shelved in a place for safekeeping, freeing me to put my attention back on immediate concerns.
-- Dennis E. Hamilton
Renton, Washington
2000 September 2
Current and Pending Notes
Miser Readings
Orcmid's Readings
2000-09-02-10:11 -0700 (pdt) by orcmid
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 04-01-06 13:03 $
$$Revision: 9 $