The Miser Project   Numbering Peano

Collaborative articulation of how abstraction and language is employed in the computational manifestation of numbers -- including analysis of the role of syntax, semantics, and meaning in the specification and use of software interfaces.

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Annotating Peano Numbers

Annotating Peano Numbers

This is a new blog created specifically for a collaborative-articulation project.  The idea is to develop an understanding of abstraction, syntax, semantics, and meaning of programming-language interfaces.  We will undertake that using a concrete manifestation of Peano Numbers.  This will also be revealing about the application of mathematical abstractions in connection with engineered artifacts -- computers and programs -- and their behavior.

This post is simply to prime the pump and ensure that everything is working properly.

What's not working right now is publishing of the archive index. I need to put a placeholder there until I can figure out how to get the index published.
Problem solved, sort of.  Blogger is dropping the separate archive-index page in favor of providing for an in-line index on the blog pages.  You can see it in the left column of this page, below the links.  So new blogs don't have the separate-index feature, although my older one does (fortunately).  Fortunately, Numbering Peano will not have an extended life and I should be able to avoid the index becoming too long and undertaking whatever changes are introduced when it is discovered/remembered that the on-page index doesn't scale.
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created 2004-05-31-22:34 -0700 (pdt) by orcmid
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 04-09-01 10:55 $
$$Revision: 3 $
