Change History
- 2002-06-04-15:02 Continue Debut Preparation (orcmid)
- 1. The tutorial file originally at the top level is tombstoned and
left with a page that references the tutorial
section page for the original tutorial presentation.
2. The provisional default.htm reference to the tutorial is corrected
to refer to the new location, even though the reference may disappear as the
WebDAV section is made ready for its debut.
- 2002-06-04-08:59 Organize for Wider Usage (orcmid)
- The WebDAV section of DMware is organized for use as a general resource
and for initiating project activity.
1. The index.htm
page is
updated to reflect the current scope of the section.
2. The default.htm
is altered to have the standard layout and bottom-bar construction structure
for section home pages. Links to the two primary WebDAV sites are
added. There is no meaningful content yet.
3. A Property Registration section is added for carrying the
materials and work of the WebDAV Property Registration Project.
4. An Analysis section is added for carrying analysis of WebDAV for
managed documents on the web.
5. A Tutorial section is added for the existing tutorial file and for
development of more tutorial materials.
6. This much is tied into Visual Source Safe and imaged to the
site before further adjustments are made.
- 2002-03-07-21:05 Create Initial DMware WebDAV mini-Web
- The URL
published as part of the WebDAV tutorial. This section is in response
to that promise and also as a place to continue unfolding practices and
resources that continue to "connect the dots" on have workable
WebDAV integrations for operating with managed documents.
created 2002-03-07-21:05 -0800 (pst) by orcmid
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 02-06-04 15:05 $
$$Revision: 6 $