AIIM DMware Interoperability Exchange

DMware Construction
Construction Structure


0.01 2003-03-19-15:02 -0800 (pst)

Right now, this page is a place-holder for what will be described.  There is already a working template for construction-structure pages though.

0.01 2003-03-19 Update to make use of the Construction Material structure (orcmid)
 The placeholder is completed and we will employ it where it matters, coming back to document it at a more leisurely moment.
0.00 2002-12-18 Create placeholder for the description of Construction Structure (orcmid)
Provides target for the catalog and allows exercise of the links before the material is complete.

Hard Hat Area

You are navigating construction material
of the DMware Interoperability Exchange.

created 2002-12-18-13:55 -0800 (pst) by orcmid
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 04-08-26 9:12 $
$$Revision: 6 $
