The Miser Project
Project Definitions and Tracking

 P020700: Develop and Confirm oMiser

Last updated 2002-07-17-17:09 -0700 (pdt)
The latest version of this information is available on the Miser Project Development Site.

Type: Development Project ID: P020700
Style: PSP Status: Initiation
1. Completion of the oMiser Sketch and ‹ob› theory to a point that provides sufficient foundation for manifestation via oMiser software library.
2. Clear requirements and specification for the reference implementation, oMiser 1.0r.
3. Successful confirmation that oMiser 1.0r satisfies the established requirements.  
4. Validation of the 1.0r manifestation of  ‹ob›.
5. Demonstration of interoperability, computational completeness, and universality using oFrugal 1.0r.
Related information/projects:
oMiser Sketch, current stable version
oMiser section of the Miser Project
oFrugal section of the Miser Project
Assigned To: Dennis Hamilton Defined By: 
Dennis Hamilton (2002-07-17)
Date Initiated: 2002-07-17 Date Completed: none

1. Initiation (2002-07-17)

This is a placeholder for more-elaborate subprojects and their definition.  The initiation phase is to be completed by 2002-08-30.  The first milestone is supplementing this section with tasks for the initial development.

An artificial milestone (probably beyond establishing early (0.xx) versions of the reference implementation, which should bear fruit rather quickly), is having multiple implementations that can interoperate at least by exchange of recorded files.  The targets are Win32, POSIX platforms, and .NET.  The model must scale to interoperation via electronic distribution of access to manifestations, but it need not be implemented in 1.0r, which is intended to confirm standalone operation.  The tentative date for satisfaction of this milestone is February 2003.

oMiser and oFrugal are to be developed to a point where it is "challenge-ready" by May, 2003.  The first opportunity for challenging may be the NASSLI Summer School in 2003.

Another milestone is the use of oMiser and oFrugal, at a minimum, in a workshop around August 2003 where logicians, computer scientists, and students and experts in logic, language, and computation exercise and challenge the manifestation, the theory, and the model for demonstration of universality and completeness.

Provisional Milestones
By When Activity Status Who?
2003-08-29 Completion of Miser Challenge I, Initiation of Next Stage Program D. Hamilton & colleagues
2003-07-17 Ready for ESSLLI Miser Challenge Tutorial and Workshop: Confirmation of Manifestation, Theory, and Model for Universality and Completeness D. Hamilton & colleagues
2003-05-15 oMiser Implementations are Challenge-Ready with regard to LLC Community Confirmation of Manifestation, Theory, and Model for Universality and Completeness D. Hamilton & colleagues
2003-02-14 Interoperable oMiser 1.0r Implementations D. Hamilton & colleagues
2002-08-30 Completed Project Definition


D. Hamilton
2002-07-17 Initiate Project, including proposal to ESSLLI 2003


D. Hamilton


Humphrey, Watts S.  Introduction to the Personal Software Process.  SEI Series in Software Engineering.  Addison-Wesley (Reading, MA: 1997).  ISBN 0-201-65809-7 pbk.  Readings in  Software Engineering

created 2002-07-17-13:51 -0700 (pdt) by orcmid
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 02-10-13 21:19 $
$$Revision: 5 $
